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Movement Law Training Request

Thank you for your interest in inviting Movement Law Lab trainers to be a part of your vision! Please complete the below request form and MLL staff will be in touch soon.

Length of Training
What type of training are you interested in? 
Why are you interested in holding this training?
  • {name}
How much has your organization budgeted for the trainer(s) fee? A range is acceptable.
Tentative month and year only is acceptable.
Location/ Address of Training
Venue Name, City, ST, Country
  • {name}
This offer will include coverage of travel, meals, and hotel accommodation costs. 
Please check each box to acknowledge.
  • Yes, this offer will include transportation (air, train, taxi, etc.)
  • Yes, this offer will include meals
  • Yes, this offer will include hotel (or similar lodging)
Describe the audience that will participate in this training. 
  • {name}
e.g. Baltimore, MD

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