
Lorem ipsum

πŸ‘€ Comms & Marketing Requests

Hey there! Need some marketing magic for your initiative? Inspiration for oikos next social media post? Looking for words on a new landing page on the website? A blog/article post? All of the above..? :) You've come to the right place.

Please identify yourself. ;)
Area of the request
Help us understand what is the area of your request so we can support you best.
Give us a brief, descriptive title of your request.
Tell us how can we support you?
  • {name}
If you went into full self-organizing mode and already prepared the marketing materials that just need to be put live, please attach it here.
Attach file
Drop files here
Let us know how we should prioritize this project.
Once we have your request, we'll work with the timeline and priority you offered us here.
Additional notes/links
Anything else we should know?
  • {name}

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