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Berkeley Consulting Application

Thank you for your interest in Berkeley Consulting! This application is for the Fall 2023 cycle and is due by Thursday, August 31, 2023 by 11:59 PM PST. Have questions? Visit our FAQ page at or contact our Internal Vice President at

Graduating Year
Do you identify as a first-generation college student?
We define first-generation as a student whose parent(s) did not complete a four-year college or university degree, anywhere in the world.
Class Level
Please do not factor in any AP credits you may have.
If you're undeclared, you may choose the major(s) that you're working towards declaring.
Please round to 2 decimals. If you don't have a GPA (e.g. you're a first semester student), then enter 0.
Gender Identity
Have you applied to Berkeley Consulting in the past?
Are you free on Tuesday nights?
We have club-wide meetings then, including informative trainings and exciting socials.
PDF only, please.
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PDF only, please. An unofficial transcript is sufficient.
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JPG or PNG only with your face clearly visible, please. This is NOT used in the evaluation of your application and is only used to aid us in helping remember applicants later in the cycle.
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Prompt 1 Choice
Choice 1: What is an activity or interest you have pursued deeply? Describe your experience in doing so. This can relate to an organization you've been a part of, an individual achievement, or any topic you are passionate about. Choice 2: What is a significant challenge you had to overcome? How have you grown from that experience?
Prompt 1
Please limit your response to 250 words.
  • {name}
Prompt 2
Pick a company or NGO and discuss an opportunity it has or a problem it faces. Next, suggest a feasible strategic move (or moves) you would make if you were its CEO. Explain your reasoning and describe your idea's intended impact. A strategic move can be any product, marketing, or financial change, but please don't feel limited to these categories. Be creative! Please limit your response to 300 words.
  • {name}
If you are a freshman in your first semester, please tell us your current course load. If there are any extenuating circumstances regarding your application, please feel free to use the comment box below.
  • {name}

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