Yodo1 Application Form
Welcome! Your Yodo1 application begins here. Learn more about us at https://yodo1.com/ After completing this form, you will receive an email with the next step. We're looking forward to learning more about you!
What should we call you?
What is your last name?
Where are you based?
Introduce yourself! *
This bit is similar to a cover letter but without any required format or length. Use it as you like, you've got full creative control!
For example: Tell us about you, why you're interested in Yodo1, or why you think you'll succeed on our team.
- {name}
Gaming Industry Experience
Please check this box if you have relevant experience in the mobile gaming industry.
What languages do you speak fluently?
Compensation expectations
As noted in the job description, we pay based on qualifications, experience, and fit for the role.
If you would like to share your expectations in advance, please feel free to do so here. This is an optional field; you're welcome to leave it blank.
- {name}
Link yourself! *
Share your LinkedIn, portfolio, website, or other relevant profiles here. You may include multiple links.
- {name}
Resume/CV *
Please upload the latest version of your CV, in English, in PDF format.
Attach file
Drop files here
Important: Please use the same email address at every step in your application process.
Please include your country code. Example: +861051120050
Last but not least, when are you available to start?
Contact Approval *
Agree to receive emails and text messages from Yodo1 to update you about your hiring process.
You may unsubscribe and delete your application at any time.
These last two are for us.
Role ID
Please do not edit.
Please do not edit.
Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form