2024-2025 School Year Application
Thank you for your interest in the OrchKids Program! This online application will take approximately 10 minutes to fill out. Please direct any questions, cares, or concerns about the enrollment process to: Mr. Devin Harrington, Associate Director of Programs (dharrington@bsomusic.org) Highlandtown Elementary/Middle School #237: Ms. Samantha Flores-Guerrero, Program Manager (sflores-guerrero@bsomusic.org) Mary Ann Winterling Elementary School: Ms. Lynette Fields, Program Manager (lfields@bsomusic.org) Booker T. Washington Middle School for the Performing Arts & Mt Royal Elementary/Middle School: Ms. Ny'Asia Boxdale (nboxdale@bsomusic.org) The Belair-Edison School: Mr. Liam Cunningham, Early Learning Manager (lcunningham@bsomusic.org) All of your information will remain confidential and only be shared with OrchKids staff and teachers. Please submit one application per student. *If you have any additional questions, please refer back to the OrchKids website (orchkids.org), thank you!