S3R3 2023 Reviewer Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in becoming a reviewer for the SIGGRAPH 2023 resume and reel review program operated by the Early Career Development Committee (formerly S3)! Our programs are simply not possible without the generosity of academic and industry friends like you. Each reviewee will be paired with a reviewer that best matches their area of interest. We will be in touch to coordinate meeting room information leading up to the conference. Important dates: August 4: Reviewee/Reviewer signup deadline August 5: Reviewee/Reviewer matching August 7, 8, 9, and 10: Reviews held at SIGGRAPH in Los Angeles We are currently evaluating if there will be asynchronous/remote versions of reviews this year. This will largely depend on need and availability of reviewers. Please indicate your interest in remote reviews on the form. If you have any questions, please contact the review coordinator, Michael Collins (hi.michael.collins@gmail.com).