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L.A Fire Recovery: Direct Support Form

We are deeply appreciative of your generosity and support. Please use this form to indicate any direct support you would like to offer to our community members. Many of our community members have listed their GoFundMe, Venmo or CashApp profiles in order to receive direct monetary contributions. If they have not listed one, we can put you in direct contact with them so that they may receive the funds. (Las Fotos Project is not accepting donations on behalf of families - this is to ensure that families receive 100% of funds being offered to them.) If you have physical items you'd like to contribute, please list out the descriptions and we will match you with a community member who is in need of the items, and can support with coordinating the contribution. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to accept bulk/general drop-off donations at our offices at this time.

Type of support
(Select all that apply)
  • Cash/Cash grant
  • Grocery Gift Card/Groceries
  • Gas Gift Card
  • Clothing
  • Hotel/Housing Voucher or Credit
  • Art Supplies
  • Photography/Video Equipment
  • Computers, printers or other tech
  • School Supplies/Backpacks
  • Furniture/Bedding
  • Household appliances
  • Other physical items
  • Other direct service support (mental health/counseling, translation, filing out claims, etc.)
Please provide any detail on the type of support you are able to offer.
Ex: Type of physical item i.e. a camera, painting supplies, clothing and their sizes, donate a print for a fundraiser, application link (if applicable for small direct individual grants), or type of direct service support.
  • {name}
Is there a specific individual you'd like to directly support?
Is there anything else we should know?
  • {name}

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form