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Positive Peer Coach Training Group Rates (School Membership)

Thank you for your interest in group rates for Positive Peer Coach Training! Please complete the form below, and we'll get back to you shortly. We'll also start sending you our bimonthly newsletter, which we hope you'll find valuable - but you can easily unsubscribe if you prefer.

How did you hear about Positive Peer Coach Training?
  • {name}
What is your school currently doing to support staff wellbeing, teamwork, and a coaching culture?
  • {name}
How do you see Positive Peer Coach training supporting your school's vision and strategic goals?
  • {name}
How many people would you like to enroll in the Positive Peer Coach Training Program?
Do you have any questions or comments for us?
  • {name} we can keep in touch even if your work email changes.

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