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RCSS COST Referral

This referral will be reviewed by the RCSS team to determine if one of the following district-level tier 3 supports is appropriate: - Mental Health Services - Behavior Support - ACC/FY/HY Support Please fill out this referral once all site-based tiered interventions have been exhausted or for immediate crisis situations.

School Year
(not district ID number)
School Site
Is student age 12 or older?
Primary Language Spoken at Home
Is student/family aware you are making this referral?
*Student (and/or parent if student is under age 12) need to be involved in the decision to make a referral for mental health counseling.
Reason for Referral
Please select all that apply
Reason for referral
For any options selected above, please provide a brief description of the reason for referral.
  • {name}
Interventions Already Implemented
Please provide a summary of what has been done to far to address the concerns. *Please include site-based Tier 2/3 intervention data. Please indicate if crisis situation.
  • {name}
Does the student currently have, or has the student been referred to:
Is this a referral for immediate crisis reasons?
(Suicidal/Homicidal Ideation, Severe psychosis/delusions, etc.)

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