Dahdaleh Institute Member Profile
Welcome to the Dahdaleh Institute! Please complete this form as soon as possible.
Please share your pronouns
Request Type *
- Create new DI profile
- Update current DI profile
Examples: BSc (Hons.), MD, PhD
Membership Category at the Dahdaleh Institute *
- Faculty Fellow
- Research Fellow
- Community Fellow
- Research Associate
- Dahdaleh Global Health Graduate Scholar
- Graduate Student Scholar
- Global Health Intern
- Staff
- Visiting Scholar
- Other
Example: Global Health Intern, Planetary Health
Thematic Areas
Please indicate which of the Dahdaleh Institute's thematic areas best apply to your work.
- Planetary Health
- Global Health & Humanitarianism
- Global Health Foresighting
Bio/Profile Description *
Please provide a bio to include in your profile on the Dahdaleh Institute website. You may also include a short description of the project(s), mention your supervisor and team, and describe your role at the Dahdaleh Institute. The text may be edited for clarity and to conform with Dahdaleh Institute style guidelines.
- {name}
Research Keywords
Please list keywords that best describe your proposed research or research activity. Separate keywords with a semicolon.
- {name}
Photograph *
Please attach a photo of you that we can use for your profile on our website (.png or .jpeg only)
Attach file
Drop files here
Comments for Form Administrators
For additional communication/dissemination support, please use this form: https://airtable.com/app9y67jKcTQzaPSp/shreG3h3A9ALe8rmc
- {name}
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