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Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award
Enhancing Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Educational Diversity (ESTEEMED) Research Education Experiences (R25 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Scholar (Career Development) Awards
Research Grant Awards
Quantum Leap Challenge Institutes (QLCI)
Biomedical Research Facilities (C06 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
NCI National Clinical Trials Network - Network Lead Academic Participating Sites (UG1 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
Project Apis m. Research Grant
Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Enriching Learning, Programs, and Student Experiences: Implementation and Evaluation Projects Track
Graduate Psychology Education Program (GPE)
Centers of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health Education, Science, and Practice OR Maternal and Child Health Public Health Catalyst Program
Damon Runyon Clinical Investigator Award
Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers Program (P30 Clinical Trials Optional)
Pathways to the Education Sciences Training Program
High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) Transportation Package, Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
Pediatric Pulmonary Centers Program
University Nuclear Research Infrastructure Revitalization
Occupational Safety and Health Training Project Grants (T03)
Nurse Faculty Loan Program
Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE)
Annual Regeneron Prize for Creative Innovation
Behavioral Health Workforce Development Technical Assistance Program
The Emily Hall Tremaine Exhibition Award
Grants to Organizations
NRC Research and Development Grant
Rapid-Cycle Survey Collaborative for Provider and Public Input on Immunization Issues
Data Integration, Systems, and Quality Technical Assistance
NEA Grants for Arts Projects
Black Lung Data and Resource Center
PEP Packs: Postexposure Prophylaxis Packs for Immediate Access to HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infection Prevention
FY 2025 Request for Concept Notes for Global Innovation Programs to Address Gender-based Violence for Conflict-Affected People
Nursing Workforce Diversity (NWD) Program
High-Assay Low-Enriched (HALEU) Nuclear Fuel Supply Chain Innovative Technology
Develop and Test HIV Prevention Interventions for Black and Hispanic Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men Who Use Substances
ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE): Partnership Track
ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE): Institutional Transformation, Adaptation, and Catalyst Tracks
Private Facility Research Program: Standard Public Research Award
DRL FY24 Global Equality Fund Programs
Rural Residency Planning and Development Program
Great Lakes Fish Monitoring and Surveillance Program
Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program
Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP)
Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Paraprofessionals
Telehealth Research Center
Telehealth Rapid Response Center
The Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program
Recordings at Risk
Research in Basic Plasma Science and Engineering
NEA Research Labs
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Submission Slots
Award Ceiling
NOI Deadline
Preproposal Deadline
Sponsor LOI Deadline (if applicable)
Sponsor Full Deadline
Program Information/RFP
Quest Portal Program URL (for NOI Submission)
Eligibility Requirements
Additional Information
The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation
1 UConn - 1 UCH
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Chemical Engineering, Chemical Sciences Materials Chemistry Science Education 
12/20/24: UConn slot is taken. Only slot available is for UCH. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program.  Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components.  2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications.  3)  Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel.  For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at   Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 UConn - 1 UCH
Biomedical Research Training, Curriculum Development, Higher Education, Medical Education, Mentoring Programs, STEM Education
The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH. The overarching goal of this R25 program is to support educational activities that encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups underrepresented in the biomedical and behavioral sciences, to pursue further studies or careers in research. To accomplish the stated over-arching goal, this FOA will support educational activities with a primary focus on: • Courses for Skills Development • Research Experiences The ESTEEMED program is designed to foster the development of undergraduate freshmen and sophomores from diverse backgrounds to pursue further studies and careers in bioengineering or STEM fields relevant to NIBIB’s scientific mission. Applications are encouraged to propose integrated educational activities that include 3 elements: a summer bridge program for incoming freshmen, and in the freshman and sophomore years, academic year activities and summer research experiences. The ESTEEMED program is intended to expose students to bioengineering research early in their college careers while also providing students didactic, mentoring and career development opportunities. This will prepare students to join, in their junior and senior years, an honors program that promotes STEM and entrance into a Ph.D. program. The ultimate goal is for the participants to pursue a doctoral degree and a subsequent research career in bioengineering or NIBIB-relevant field. An applicant may request direct costs of up to $325,000 per year. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research education program will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that each award's size will vary. The total project period for an application submitted in response to this funding opportunity may not exceed 4 years. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
St. Baldrick's Foundation (SBF) 
1 UConn - 1 UCH
$330,000 (up to $110,000/year, for three years)
early career; cancer research; childhood cancers; adolescents and young adults; survivorship, outcomes, and quality of life; supportive care; epidemiology and pediatric cancer predispositions; precision medicine; alternative and complementary therapies
This is an early-career award. The Scholar award is intended to develop the independent pediatric cancer research careers of highly qualified investigators, not to support well established or senior investigators. Applicants must currently hold (for no longer than 7 years at the time the award begins), or will hold by the start of the award, a title that is considered by the institution to be a full-time, faculty position.
Update 9/17/24: Only slot available is for UCH faculty. Research projects must have direct applicability and relevance to pediatric cancer. They may be in any discipline of basic, clinical, translational, or epidemiological research. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications (No institutional overhead or indirect funding is provided under the terms of the grant and the scholar must devote no less than 40% effort to the funded project). 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
St. Baldrick's Foundation (SBF) 
1 UConn - 1 UCH
$200,000 ($100,000/year for 2 years)
cancer research; childhood cancers; adolescents and young adults; survivorship, outcomes, and quality of life; supportive care; epidemiology and pediatric cancer predispositions; precision medicine; alternative and complementary therapies
This grant is for specific two-year research projects which are hypothesis driven and may be either laboratory, clinical, or epidemiological in nature. Research projects must have direct applicability and relevance to pediatric cancer. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications (No institutional overhead or indirect funding is provided under the terms of the grant). 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
2 total
$12,000,000-$45,000,000 (It is anticipated that individual Challenge Institutes can be funded at a level between $2,000,000/year and $7,500,000/year, for up to 6 years)
Computer Science, Information Science or Systems, Quantum Electronics, Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Structures
IMPORTANT: the 3/7/25 deadline is actually the required pre-proposal deadline. The full sponsor deadline is 9/7/25, by NSF invitation only. The Quantum Leap Challenge Institute (QLCI) program will fund Institutes comprised of multidisciplinary groups of scientists and engineers united by a common challenge theme for advancing the research frontiers in focus areas such as quantum networking, quantum computation, quantum simulation and/or quantum sensing. The Challenge Institutes will also contribute to the development of a well-trained workforce through cross-disciplinary and collaborative basic research, project-driven training, and innovative curricula. The QLCI program is expected to facilitate research, training, and education through exposure of trainees to theoretical frameworks, algorithmic techniques, experimental platforms and testbeds, and interactions with national laboratories, industry, and international partners. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 UConn - 1 UCH
Biomedical Research Resources, Higher Education
Update 10/29/24: Only UConn's slot is available. UCH has been selected. The goal of this NOFO is to modernize biomedical research infrastructure to strengthen biomedical research programs. Each project is expected to produce substantial long-term improvements to the institutional research infrastructure. Intended projects are the construction or modernization of core facilities and the development of other shared research infrastructure serving an institution-wide research community with broad impact on biomedical research. This NOFO supports all areas of biomedical and biobehavioral research. Facilities that support collaborative research in the following special areas or expand animal breeding capacities are of special interest to this NOFO: 1) Facilities that support research on Women’s Health, including crosscutting research that bridges gaps in knowledge about female-specific conditions as well as diseases which affect women differently or disproportionately, research that improves the health of women across the lifespan including the application of interdisciplinary approaches, or research that addresses pressing conditions and diseases which negatively impact the health of women; 2) Construction of new or modernization of existing infrastructure to support small (<$3 million) to mid-scale ($3 million to $5 million) physical laboratory facilities focusing on emerging New Approach Methods (NAMs) or Complement-Animal Research in Experimentation research. The research areas under NAM include in vitro, in chemico, or in silico (computer-based) approaches to model human biology, to reduce, complement, or in some cases, replace traditional animal models; 3) Small (<$3 million) to mid-scale ($3 million to $5 million) expansion or modernization of existing facilities to increase the breeding capacity of specific pathogen free (SPF) nonhuman primates (NHPs) to help address the national NHP shortage of Indian-origin SPF rhesus macaques, in particular. Note, while construction of new buildings at existing NHP facilities may be responsive to this NOFO, proposing construction of an entirely new NHP center is not within the scope of this opportunity. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
$10,200,000 (max of $1.7M/year for 6 years)
Adolescent Health, Cancer or Carcinogenesis, Children (Patients), Clinical Research or Studies, Clinical Trials, Tumors
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) solicits applications from institutions/organizations that propose to maintain or establish Network Lead Academic Participating Sites (LAPS) for the NCI National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN). The NCTN Network LAPS will provide scientific leadership by helping to develop and conduct clinical trials in association with one or more adult U.S. Network Groups and will contribute substantial accrual to clinical trials conducted across the entire NCTN. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
Project Apis m. (PAm)
1 total
Agricultural Economics, Agriculture and Food Sciences, Animal Diseases or Pathology, Animal Feeds & Nutrition, Crop Science, Entomology, Environmental Toxicology, Natural & Organic Foods, Pesticides, Pest Management, Pollen and Pollination, Toxicology, Veterinary Toxicology
Project Apis m. (PAm) is a 501(c)5 nonprofit founded to support the best science to advance the beekeeping community. PAm seeks projects that work on the problem to solve.  It is important that the commercial beekeeping community benefit from the research and its application. Proposals or scholarship applications should clearly state how they address the bee health “problem to solve”. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications (PAm does not pay IDC’s or overhead). 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
3 total
$500,000 for Level 1 and $1,000,000 for Level 2
Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), STEM Education, Capacity Building, Intersectional Lens, Undergraduate Experience
The IEP track welcomes projects looking to implement, adapt, or study promising practices and also invites theoretically grounded, methodologically rigorous research projects on undergraduate experiences in STEM at HSIs. IEP projects include activities that are anticipated to support research and efforts to improve the HSI undergraduate experience for STEM majors and for non-majors enrolled in STEM courses. Please state in your NOI what level you would like to apply for. Level 1 awards are supported up to 3 years and will support early-stage or exploratory projects that look to enrich the student experience, improve teaching and learning, broaden participation in undergraduate STEM, or improve student outcomes at HSIs. While IEP Level 1 proposals should be evidence-based, they may be more exploratory and would generally be of a smaller scale than IEP Level 2 proposals. Level 2 projects are supported for up to five years and should include efforts that are beyond the proof-of-concept stage and have potential to result in sustainable positive outcomes that align with the goals of the HSI program. Level 2 projects have a scale and scope beyond what would typically be expected for IEP Level 1 projects. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
$1,350,000 ($450,000/year for 3 years)
Behavioral Medicine, Medical Education, Primary Care, Psychology, Training and Development
Must be an accredited doctoral, internship, and/or post-doctoral residency program of health service psychology (including clinical psychology, counseling, and school psychology). The training program must be accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency, approved for such purposes by the U.S. Department of Education.
The purpose of this program is to train doctoral health service psychology students, interns, and postdoctoral residents in integrated, interdisciplinary behavioral health, with significant focus on trauma-informed care and substance use disorder prevention and treatment services. The program will prepare trainees for practice in community-based primary care settings in high need and high demand areas. To support trainees, the program will also focus on developing health service psychology faculty. Important to note, applications may propose to train and support more than one level of trainees (see page 10 of the NOFO). So, for instance you could use GPE funding to support both practica and intern students. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
For the Centers of Excellence Opportunity: $2,888,845 (up to $366,769 for base CoE funding/year, up to $170,000 for MCH postdoctoral fellowship/year, and up to $41,000 for the annual meeting/year for a total of 5 years) For the Maternal and Child Health Public Health Catalyst Program: $675,000 ($135,000/year for 5 years)
Child or Maternal Health. Medical Education, Public Health, Curriculum Development, Medical Education
HRSA has issued two related NOFOs, Centers of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health Education, Science and Practice Program (HRSA-25-027) and Maternal and Child Health Public Health Catalyst Program (HRSA-25-025). UConn may only submit one proposal for funding under only one of these opportunities. In your NOI, please specify which opportunity you are interested in applying for. The Centers of Excellence in Maternal and Child Health Education, Science, and Practice (CoE) program establishes national centers that strengthen and expand the maternal and child health (MCH) workforce by training graduate and post-graduate public health (PH) students in MCH. CoEs also establish academic-practice partnerships with state Title V Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant recipients and other MCH organizations, providing technical assistance and subject matter expertise to strengthen MCH capacity. This opportunity includes an additional opportunity to apply for the MCH Postdoctoral Fellowship Supplement and to apply for the CoE Emerging Issues Supplement. The purpose of the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Public Health Catalyst Program is to: Recruit and train diverse graduate students in MCH public health; Expand MCH curriculum and degree offerings within schools and programs of public health where there is currently a lack of, or limited, MCH offerings; Build MCH faculty capacity within schools and programs of public health. There are two tracks. UConn must select only one of the two Catalyst Program tracks for an application: Track 1: MCH Curriculum Start-Up or Track 2: MCH Curriculum Expansion. Sponsor Full Deadline is different for the opportunities; For the Centers of Excellence Opportunity: 1/27/2025, 11:59 p.m. ET; For the Maternal and Child Health Public Health Catalyst Program: 1/23/2025, 11:59 p.m. ET If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
$600,000 ($200,000/year for 3 years)
Applied Sciences, Cancer Biology, Cancer Genetics, Cancer or Carcinogenesis, Cancer Prevention, Clinical Research or Studies, Epidemiology, Oncology, Outcomes Research (Medical)
The applicant must hold an independent Assistant Professor position or equivalent at a U.S. institution and is expected to demonstrate significant support from the home institution through a comprehensive start-up package, ample laboratory space, and protected research time, for example. Each applicant must be nominated by their institution. The applicant must have received an MD, DO, or MD/PhD degree(s) from an accredited institution, completed their subspecialty training and be U.S. Board eligible. The applicant must hold a valid, active U.S. medical license at the time of application. The applicant must apply within the first five (5) years of their Assistant Professor or equivalent full faculty appointment (Cut-off date: July 1, 2020). Instructor, Adjunct and/or acting positions are not eligible. Candidates holding or awarded R01s (or R01-equivalent grants such as the DP2 and DP5) at the time of application are not eligible to apply. The applicant must commit to spending 80% of their time conducting research.
The applicant is required to apply in conjunction with a Mentor who is established in the field of clinical translational cancer research, cancer prevention and/or epidemiology and can provide the critical guidance needed during the period of the award. The applicant must be involved in patient care and be conducting research that has the potential to be translated to impact patients. Preference will be given to research that adheres to the “Handshake Rule,” meaning that the physician will conduct research studies that directly involve patients. (This rule does not apply to pathologist candidates.) The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation will retire up to $100,000 of any qualifying medical school debt still owed by the awardee. Payment will be made annually over the course of the award. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications (No part of this grant can be used for indirect costs or institutional overhead). 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 UConn - 1 UCH
$3,400,000 ($850,000/year for 4 years)
Clinical Trials, Environmental Health, Public Health
To be eligible for an EHSCC award, the applicant institution must demonstrate that four or more Center members have combined grant funding of at least $3 million per year in direct costs. At the time of submission of an application, the qualifying awards must have at least 1 full active year remaining. These projects must be Environmental Health Sciences focused, related to the NIEHS Mission and 2025-2029 NIEHS Strategic Plan, and address environmental exposures and health. These may be a mix of NIH, Federal and privately funded awards or career development awards. However, at least 50% of the research base must be from the NIH. T-awards, U45, and Conference awards (R13, U13) do not count towards this requirement. Furthermore, grants and cooperative agreements in extension periods, either with or without additional funds, as well as supplements of any kind, do not count toward this requirement.
Update 12/3/2024: only UCH slot is available. The NIEHS Environmental Health Sciences Core Centers (EHSCC) Program uses a P30 grant mechanism to bring together investigators currently funded by NIH or other Federal or non-Federal sources to enhance the effectiveness of existing research and extend the focus of research for environmental health sciences. An EHSCC is expected to support innovation and be on the cutting edge of science. As such, research activities should cross a variety of disciplines to bring multiple perspectives and approaches to bear on significant environmental health research questions and health impacts. The interdisciplinary nature of an EHSCC should have a synergistic effect that results in greater depth, breadth, quality, innovation and productivity beyond what individual scientists would be likely to attain by working independently and as such lead to translational research opportunities. As intellectual hubs for environmental health research, the membership of EHSCC's is expected to include thought leaders from the field who are well-positioned to advance the goals of the 2025-2029 NIEHS Strategic Plan. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
Institute of Education Sciences
1 total
$1,700,000 (including direct and indirect costs)
Academic Achievement, Educational Improvement, Educational Research
The Pathways Training Program requires a Minority Serving Institution (MSI) to be the applicant or be included as a partner institution with another institution of higher education as the applicant.
The Pathways Training Program was launched in 2015 as part of the IES commitment to increasing the participation of MSIs in IES research programs (ESRA 2002) and as part of a federal-wide effort to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in the scientific community. The Pathways Training Program seeks to both increase the number of fellows from groups underrepresented in doctoral study, including racial and ethnic minorities, first-generation college students, economically disadvantaged students, veterans, and students with disabilities and provide greater diversity in the types of institutions that provide IES-funded research training. Pathways Training Program grants are awarded to MSIs and their partners that create education research training programs (eight weeks to 1 year in length) that prepare fellows for doctoral study. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
4 per topic area
$6,000,000 for Topic Area 1 and $2,000,000 for Topic Area 2
Hazardous Substances, Nuclear Fuels Transport, Nuclear Fuels Uranium Reserves, Nuclear Materials Transport
The objective of this NOFO is to research, develop, and acquire NRC certification for HALEU transportation packages focused on front-end transportation packaging needs to support a sustainable supply chain. This NOFO has two topic areas. Topic Area 1: Applications for NRC certification of new package design concepts. DOE intends this topic for concepts that will likely require sufficient award duration and funding to achieve competitive, economically viable transportation packages. Topic Area 2: Applications for NRC certification of modification to existing design packages. DOE intends this topic for concepts that are further along in their development and require less time and costs associated with achieving NRC certificate of compliance (CoC). Applicants are permitted to submit one application for each respective HALEU Fuel Form (oxide, metal, UF6, or combination) for each respective Topic Area. Please indicate which Topic Area and which HALEU Fuel Form you are interested in applying for in your NOI. The cost share must be at least 50% of the total project costs. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
Health Services Delivery, Medical Education, Pediatrics, Pulmonary Diseases, Respiratory Diseases, Training and Development
HRSA recognizes only one project director. The project director must be a faculty member employed by the applicant organization at the time you submit the application. The project director should dedicate at least 20% of their time to grant activities. The dedicated time can be supported through in-kind contributions or by grant funds.
The purpose of the PPC program is to provide interdisciplinary training to improve the health of infants, children, and adolescents with chronic respiratory conditions, sleep issues, and other related special health care needs. HRA requires documentation of UConn Health’s accreditation status from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
Infrastructure, Nuclear Reactors, Research & Development--R&D
The intent of this NOFO is to award approximately one (1) grant, for up to four (4) years, to a consortium consisting of universities, national laboratories, industry partners and/or other stakeholders. The consortia must be university led. Cost sharing is encouraged but not required under this NOFO. Any cost sharing proposal must be included in the application. Applicants are bound by the cost share proposed in their application if selected for award negotiations. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
2 UConn - 2 UCH
$150,000 for undergraduate programs ($50,000/year), $450,000 for graduate programs ($150,000/year), and $750,000 for occupational medicine residency programs ($250,000/year). These totals include direct and indirect costs.
Environmental & Occupational Health & Safety, Health and Safety Education, Nursing
12/17/24: Remaining slots open are for UCH only. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), invites grant applications for Training Project Grants (TPGs) that are focused on occupational safety and health training. NIOSH is mandated to provide an adequate supply of qualified personnel to carry out the purposes of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and TPGs are one of the principal means for meeting this mandate. The majority of TPGs are in academic institutions and provide high-quality undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate academic training in a variety of occupational safety and health (OSH) and allied disciplines. UConn can submit 2 applications for Academic Training Programs OR 1 application for non-Academic programs. However, UConn may not request support for both Academic Training and non-Academic Training Programs. In your NOI, please indicate if your proposal supports Academic Training or non-Academic Training Programs. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications (Indirect costs are limited to 8% of modified total direct costs as defined in 2 CFR 200.1.). 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
Medical Education, Nursing, Nursing Education
The NFLP seeks to increase the number of qualified nursing faculty nationwide by providing low interest loans for individuals studying to be nurse faculty and loan cancellation for those who then go on to work as faculty. Successful applicants must establish, operate, and maintain a student loan program that provides loans to students enrolled in advanced nursing education degree programs. NFLP recipients must also monitor compliance with program requirements. Cost sharing or matching is required for this program. Recipient institutions are required to deposit an Institutional Capital Contribution (ICC) that is equal to not less than one-ninth of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Federal award amount, hereafter referred to as the Federal Capital Contribution (FCC). The ICC must be deposited at the time the FCC is received and deposited into the loan fund account. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
2 total
$500,00 for Track 1 and $1,000,000 for Track 2
STEM Graduate Education, Innovation and Policy Interventions, Inclusive Recruitment and Retention, Graduate Student Wellbeing, Interdisciplinary Training and Research
There are 2 tracks for IGE. Please indicate in your NOI which Track you are submitting under. Track 1: Career Preparation and Student Success Pilots: IGE Track 1 supports projects that generate knowledge about new, potentially transformative improvements in graduate education and workforce development that prepare the next generation of scientists and engineers for the full range of possible STEM career paths to advance the nation's STEM enterprise. Track 2: Systemic Interventions and Policies: IGE Track 2 awards support research projects that are expected to generate knowledge about the graduate education system and outcomes of systemic intervention and policies. IGE Track 2 projects may be implemented at different scales: within a field of study across multiple institutions and programs; across multiple fields of study within a single institution; or across multiple institutions and fields of study. Specifically encouraged are proposals that address one of the following six areas: Funding models and funding mechanisms, Graduate student mental health and wellbeing, Mentoring policies, procedures, and models, Graduate research environments and teams, Inclusive recruitment, admissions, retention, and completion strategies, and Credentialing and degree milestones. The primary beneficiaries for all IGE research projects (Track 1 and Track 2) must be master's and/or doctoral students in STEM-designated degree programs. Eligible degree programs include research-based STEM master's and doctoral degree programs, Professional Science Master's programs and MEng programs with research training but do not include programs that only award certificates or professional degrees [such as Doctor of Audiology (AuD), Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS), Doctor of Education (DEd), Doctor of Naprapathy (DN), Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO), Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM), Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Doctor of Science in Physical Therapy (DScPT), Juris Doctor (JD), Master of Liberal Arts (MLA), Doctor of Medicine (MD), Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND), Doctor of Optometry (OD), Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD), Doctor of Pharmacy, (PharmD), Doctor of Psychology (PsyD), Doctor of Speech-Language Pathology (SLPD)]. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
4 total
Creative Innovation, Biomedical Sciences, PhD/Postdoctoral Fellows
You must be a PhD student or postdoctoral fellow to apply for this prize. Nominating faculty members must apply to this internal call on their behalf.
Please contact if you would like to see the program information for this opportunity. Please note that only faculty members are authorized to submit to this internal competition on behalf of their PhD students or postdoctoral fellows. If selected to submit, each submission must include a signed institutional endorsement form. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 UConn - 1 UCH
$9,996,000 ($2,499,000/year for four years)
Medical Education, Professional Development, Training and Development
The purpose of the BHWD TA program is to support recipients of HRSA’s BHWD programs, including, Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Professionals, Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program for Paraprofessionals, and Graduate Psychology Education program, and future BHWD program recipients. The TA will help programs expand the number of highly trained behavioral health providers across the nation. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
Tremaine Foundation
1 total
Architecture, Arts and Humanities, Curatorship, Modern Art, Museums, Visual Arts
The award is intended to provide support for exhibitions at the beginning stage of their development and to offer the curator the support needed to fully explore a concept and realize an exhibition. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications (no indirect costs allowed). 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
Graham Foundation
1 per dept
Architectural Design, Architecture, Arts and Culture, Community or Outreach Programs, Cultural Activities, Film or Cinema or Video, Landscape Architecture, Media Arts, Print Media & Publishing, Regional or Urban Design
The Graham Foundation offers Production and Presentation grants to organizations. These grants assist organizations with the production-related expenses that are necessary to take a project from conceptualization to realization and public presentation. These projects include, but are not limited to, exhibitions, installations; film/video/new media web initiatives; public programs; and publications. For organizations, funding priorities are to 1) Assist with the production and presentation of significant programs about architecture and the designed environment in order to promote dialogue, raise awareness, and develop new and wider audiences. 2) Support efforts to take risks in programming and create opportunities for experimentation. 3) Recognize the vital role organizations play in providing individuals with a public forum in which to present their work. 4) Help organizations to realize projects that would otherwise not be possible without Graham Foundation support. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
3 total
$500,000 total including direct and F&A costs
Research: Project Grants & Innovation
The program provides funding to support R&D for nuclear science, engineering, technology, and related disciplines to develop a workforce capable of supporting the design, construction, operation, and regulation of nuclear facilities and the safe handling of nuclear materials. University R&D activities provide an opportunity to complement current, ongoing NRC-led research. More specifically, the program shall be used to provide financial assistance for R&D projects relevant to the programmatic mission of the NRC referenced above, with an emphasis on providing federal financial assistance with respect to research, development, demonstration, and commercial application of new and advanced nuclear technologies. Social science research will be considered under this announcement (for example, projects that would foster the development of innovative community engagement strategies, including incorporation of principles of equity and environmental justice). If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 UConn - 1 UCH
$3,750,000 ($750,000/year for 5 years, including indirects)
Immunization, Polls & Surveys, Public Health, Vaccines
The purpose of this notice of funding opportunity is to support a research project to obtain timely input from representative samples of healthcare providers and of the public on critical immunization issues of importance to public health. The recipient is expected to: 1) conduct multiple surveys of providers and the public each year during the period of performance to collect immunization-related data using scientifically sound methods with adequate response rates that produce generalizable results; and 2) to disseminate these results broadly to assist in informing recommendations for new vaccines, developing strategies to improve immunization coverage, and instituting contingency plans to address urgent problems (e.g., vaccine supply shortages). Surveyed healthcare providers may include pediatricians, family physicians, obstetrician/gynecologists, general internists, pharmacists, and nurse practitioners. Surveyed members of the public may include subpopulations of special interest for consideration of immunization-related issues such as pregnant people, parents of children aged 0–5 years, people living in rural areas of the United States, and persons with chronic medical conditions. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
Data Management or Analysis (Medical), HIV/AIDS, HIV Prevention, Medical Education, Medical Informatics
The Data Integration, Systems, and Quality Technical Assistance (DISQ) program supports training and technical assistance (T/TA) for recipients of funding from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP). DISQ will fund one cooperative agreement in fiscal year 2025. The DISQ recipient will develop and disseminate T/TA to help RWHAP recipients and subrecipients with HIV-related data collection and integration activities. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
Arts Education, Arts Funding
Please note that this funding opportunity has two grant submission deadlines. In Airtable, the LOI deadline is actually the Part 1 deadline for Grants for Arts Projects (GAP) provides project-based funding for organizations in the areas of Artist Communities, Arts Education, Dance, Design, Film & Media Arts, Folk & Traditional Arts, Literary Arts, Local Arts Agencies, Museums, Music, Musical Theater, Opera, Presenting & Multidisciplinary Works, Theater, and Visual Arts. Funded activities may include public engagement with the arts and arts education, the integration of the arts with strategies promoting the health and well-being of people and communities, and the improvement of overall capacity and capabilities within the arts sector. All awards require a nonfederal cost share/match of at least 1 to 1. For example, if an organization receives a $10,000 award, the total project costs must be at least $20,000, and the organization must provide at least $10,000 toward the project costs from nonfederal sources. NEA funding cannot exceed 50% of the total cost of the project. Cost share/matching funds cannot include other federal funds from the NEA or other federal entities; including federal funds subgranted through State Arts Agencies, Regional Arts Organizations, or Local Arts Agencies. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
Data Management or Analysis (Medical), Information or Data Centers, Pulmonary Diseases, Respiratory Diseases
The purpose of the Black Lung Data and Resource Center (BLDRC) program is to improve health care in rural areas by supporting patient-level data collection and analysis, clinic operations, and the quality and breadth of services provided by recipients of Black Lung Clinics Program (BLCP) funding. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 UConn - 1 UCH
Disease Prevention, HIV Prevention, Sexually Transmitted Diseases--STD
The purpose of NOFO is to support the implementation and evaluation of effective strategies for incorporating a postexposure prophylaxis-in-pocket approach into existing preexposure prophylaxis services. This effort aims to prevent HIV and sexually transmitted infections among disproportionately affected populations, for example, men who have sex with men and transgender women. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 UConn - 1 UCH
$2,250,000 ($750,000/year for up to 3 years)
Civil or Human Rights, Humanitarian Aid, International or Global Development, Leadership Development, Peace, Disarmament, or Amnesty
NOTE: Full Deadline seen in Airtable is the Concept Note deadline. CDC will notify those who are invited to submit a full proposal. The proposal will be due 30 days after said invitation. PRM will prioritize submissions that: Contribute to a broader evidence-base; Build on current standards to document good practices for the wider humanitarian community; Promote inter-agency and inter-sectoral leadership; Improve coordination at global and field levels. Concept notes for innovation in GBV prevention and response must be in line with the following themes: Improving Service Provision through Innovation: Key actions would focus on strengthening GBV preparedness and response in humanitarian action or contributing to a global package of core GBV services. This includes specialized service provision and prevention using innovative practices. Research, Evaluation, and Uptake: Focus of research or evaluations that contribute to global learning and/or the development of tools, resources, or methodologies for emergencies and/or protracted emergency responses. Concept notes should clearly show how research and evaluation will impact programming. Cost sharing, matching, or cost participation is not required for this funding announcement. However, concept notes and invited proposals should describe additional funding sources and amounts that may complement PRM funding. These additional funds must: Not be paid by the Federal Government under another Federal award; Be verifiable from the non-Federal entity's records; Not be included as contributions for any other Federal award; and Be necessary and reasonable for achieving project and program objectives. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
$2,220,000 ($550,000/year for 4 years)
Educational Planning or Policy, Equal Educational Opportunity, Nursing Education
The purpose of the Nursing Workforce Diversity (NWD) program is to increase nursing education opportunities for individuals who are from disadvantaged backgrounds (including racial and ethnic minorities underrepresented among registered nurses). The program uses comprehensive, evidence-based strategies to provide more inclusive and culturally aligned nursing education environments that will support students from disadvantaged backgrounds. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 per topic area
$20,000,000 for Topic 1 and $4,000,000 for Topic 2
Nuclear Fuel Cycle, Nuclear Fuels Uranium Reserves
This NOFO has 2 topic areas. Please indicate in your NOI which topic area you are interested in. Topic Area 1: Demonstration projects to be conducted at engineering-scale or pilot scale. These projects are intended to allow developers to gather process and performance data to enable near-term commercial implementation. Topic Area 2: Applied R&D to be conducted at a laboratory-scale with the intent of process validation and characterization. These projects should rest on a strong scientific basis but may be relatively higher risk given their low level of technological development. The cost share must be at least 20% of the total project costs for research and development projects and 50% of the total project costs for demonstration and commercial application projects. The cost share must come from non-federal sources unless otherwise allowed by law. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
2 UConn - 2 UCH
$1,425,000 ($475,000/year for 3 years)
AIDS (Substance Abuse), Health of Underserved Populations, HIV Prevention, Medical Intervention Methods
UConn and UConn Health may each submit up to two applications. However, each application from UConn/UConn Health must focus on only one population as either Black MSM or Hispanic MSM. Each application must clearly specify its focused population. This NOFO supports investigator-driven research and invites applicants to design, develop, direct, and conduct data collection to achieve the project outcomes outlined in the NOFO, with the understanding that the CDC will provide technical assistance and consultation as needed. The research proposed in the application should aim to meet the minimum criteria for CDC’s best evidence-based study standards, with the goal of recommendation and community implementation. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program.  Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3)  Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
$1,000,000 (Partnership projects that propose a mutually beneficial collaboration with one or more projects initiated with NSF funds can request up to an additional $250,000. It must fall into one of three categories: Systemic and institutional transformation projects, NSF INCLUDES National Network, or STEM graduate education projects).
Systemic Change, Collaboration, Equity Strategies, Significant Reach, Scalability
The NSF ADVANCE program provides grants to enhance the systemic factors that support equity and inclusion and to mitigate the systemic factors that create inequities in the academic profession and workplaces. The Partnership track supports projects designed to result in the regional or national diffusion and/or scale-up of evidence-based systemic change strategies. Partnership projects are expected to involve two or more partners. Partnership projects must be designed to have a significant reach to individuals and/or organizations with evidence-based systemic change strategies to enhance equity for STEM faculty in academic workplaces and the academic profession. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
Catalyst Track: $300,000 Institutional Transformation Track: $3,000,000 Adaptation Track: $1,000,000 (Adaptation track projects that propose a mutually beneficial collaboration with one or more projects initiated with NSF funds can request up to an additional $250,000. It must fall into one of three categories: Systemic and institutional transformation projects, NSF INCLUDES National Network, or STEM graduate education projects)
Systemic Change, Evidence-Based, Equity Strategies, Institutional Transformation, Self-Assessment
Please read everything below carefully. This call has different information for each track. The LOI, Pre-Proposal, and Full Deadline dates differ for each track. Please see accurate deadlines through the Quest Portal (linked above). UConn can only submit ONE proposal between the three tracks: Adaptation, Catalyst, or Institutional Transformation. Please indicate in your NOI which track you want to submit under. The Adaptation track supports the adaptation and implementation of evidence-based organizational change strategies by a single non-profit. Institution of Higher Education (IHE) are to address systemic inequities for STEM faculty that includes all the STEM disciplines within the IHE. Prior ADVANCE IT-Catalyst grantees are encouraged to apply for an Adaptation project. Adaptation proposals must include all STEM disciplines at the institution. Only the Adaptation Track requires a Letter of Intent. The Institutional Transformation (IT) track supports the development, implementation and evaluation of innovative systemic change strategies within a single non-profit IHE with the intention that these innovative strategies could be adaptable by other IHEs and organizations. The IT project must include a rigorous research study related to the ADVANCE project that contributes to knowledge about gender equity and systemic change in STEM academics. The study may be based in the methods and theories from the social, behavioral, learning, or economic sciences. Projects that do not propose innovative strategies are more appropriate for the Adaptation track. Only the Institutional Transformation Track requires a pre-proposal. The Catalyst track supports the design and implementation of an organizational self-assessment to collect and analyze data to identify STEM faculty inequities, pilot equity strategies as appropriate, and develop a five-year equity strategic plan for STEM faculty. Only non-profit IHEs that are not, and have not been, the lead on any type of ADVANCE grant are eligible. Catalyst does not require a Letter of Intent or pre-proposal. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 per facility
Fusion Technology
Sponsor LOI deadline as seen in Airtable is actually the pre-application due date! Please note that this call is only for the Public Research Awards in the Standard subcategory. The Public Research Awards in the Novel Diagnostic subcategory does not have a limit of applications that UConn can submit. The objective of the Private Facility Research (PFR) program is to support public research utilizing world leading experimental capabilities owned by private companies. Along the path to constructing Fusion Pilot Plants (FPPs), many private fusion companies are constructing interim small-to-large scale research facilities to establish the scientific and/or technological basis for their chosen fusion concepts. Since the research on these interim facilities is largely foundational in nature, the mission overlap between the public and private sectors is large. The PFR program serves as a bridge from boldly delivered private sector hardware back to foundational research expertise residing in the public sector. Through the program, public researchers will conduct open peer-reviewed science at private facilities, to enhance the scientific rigor and breadth of the existing private efforts for the mutual benefit of all involved. Applications will only be accepted for research on private facilities that are expected to be operational between now and CY2027. Please indicate in your NOI which private facility is being included in your proposal. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
Civil or Human Rights, Crime Prevention, LGBTQ Studies, Social Justice, Victims of Crime
DRL announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for programs that provide LGBTQI+ individuals and communities with the tools to prevent, mitigate and recover from violence and restrictions on human rights and fundamental freedoms, eliminate laws which criminalize LGBTQI+ status and/or conduct, and in other ways advance protection of human rights in alignment with the strategic framework of the Global Equality Fund. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
Health of Underserved Populations, Medical Education, Rural Development, Rural Health
The purpose of the RRPD Program is to fund the development of new rural residency programs in qualifying medical specialties. For this funding opportunity, we consider “new” programs to include both programs seeking accreditation for the first time and existing programs that apply for a permanent complement increase to train additional residents at new rural training site(s) as part of an RTP. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
Environmental Monitoring, Fish and Fisheries, USA, Great Lakes
The goals of the Great Lakes Fish Monitoring and Surveillance Program are to collect, analyze, and report contaminant concentrations in Great Lakes top-predator fish, improve understanding of contaminant cycling throughout food webs in the Great Lakes, and screen for emerging chemicals in fish tissue to identify priority chemicals warranting future study. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
Environmental Monitoring, USA, Great Lakes, Wetlands
The Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Monitoring Program (GLCWMP) helps EPA satisfy statutory requirements under section 118 of the Clean Water Act to establish a Great Lakes system-wide surveillance network to monitor the water quality of the Great Lakes, with a special emphasis on the monitoring and reporting on the health of the coastal wetlands in each of the five Great Lakes. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
$375,000 ($75,000/year for 5 years)
Adolescent Health, Child or Maternal Health, Family Health Services, Health of Underserved Populations, Health Services Delivery, Immunization
The purpose of the Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program (HTPCP) is to support community-based projects that promote access to preventive clinical and public health services for underserved children. The proposed community-based project is expected to align with at least one of the following child health topics: Children’s behavioral health screenings and referrals; Children’s immunizations; Adolescents’ well-visits. Recipients of the HTPCP must contribute non-federal matching funds in years 2 through 5 of the 5-year period of performance equal to two times the amount of the federal grant award (i.e., if the federal grant award is for $75,000, then the matching requirement is $150,000) or such lesser amount determined by the Secretary for good cause shown. The matching funds must come from non-federal funds, including, but not limited to, individuals, corporations, foundations, in-kind resources, and/or state and local agencies. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 UConn - 1 UCH
$1,400,000 (for programs only implementing Level 1 training) $2,000,000 (for programs implementing Level 1 and Level 2 Training)
At-Risk Children or Youth, Behavioral Problems or Disorders, Child or Adolescent Mental Health, Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse, Training and Development
The purpose of the BHWET Program for Paraprofessionals is to develop and expand community-based experiential training such as field placements and internships to increase the skills, knowledge and capacity of students preparing to become mental health workers, peer support specialists, and other behavioral health paraprofessionals. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
1 total
Evidence-Based Research, Telehealth Technology, Health of Underserved Populations, Public Health, Telemedicine
The Telehealth Research Center funded under HRSA-25-045 is responsible for conducting clinically informed and evidence-based research. The Telehealth Research Center plays a key role in helping to expand the evidence base for telehealth services and address gaps in knowledge for effectiveness, costs, and delivery, including the use of telehealth technology. This center will also conduct and maintain a comprehensive evaluation of nationwide telehealth investments in rural and underserved areas and populations. This research will help health providers and decision-makers at the local, state and federal levels by examining the impact of telehealth services in rural and underserved communities on access to health care, population health/health indicator, health care spending (both for payers and for the patients receiving the services), quality of care, value-based care, and clinical delivery of care. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
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Data Management or Analysis (Medical), Health of Underserved Populations, Public Health, Telemedicine
The Telehealth Rapid Response Center funded under HRSA-25-044 is responsible for conducting rapid data analyses and short-term issue-specific telehealth research studies. It will provide stakeholders and the public with resources to understand the impact of telehealth policies and regulations as well as provide information that will improve telehealth access to underserved populations in the United States. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
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$100,000 for Pilot Projects, $500,000 for Standard Projects, and >$500,000 for Large Scale Projects
Food Security, Nutrition Education
The purpose of the GusNIP - Nutrition Incentive Program is to fund and evaluate projects intended to increase the purchase of fruits and vegetables by USDA SNAP participants in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, Guam, and U.S. Virgin Islands; and the USDA NAP Block Grants participants in Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands by providing incentives at the point of purchase. The Nutrition Incentive Program will support three program area priorities as follows: GusNIP Pilot Projects (FPP), GusNIP Standard Projects (FIP), and GusNIP Large Scale Projects (FLSP). Applicants MUST provide matching contributions on a dollar-for-dollar basis for all Federal funds awarded under the Nutrition Incentive Program (7 U.S.C. 7517(b)(1)) as amended. Nutrition Incentive Program applications to the FPP, FIP, and FLSP program area priorities may meet the match requirement through cash and/or in-kind contributions, including third-party in-kind contributions fairly evaluated (including facilities, equipment, or services). If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
Council on Library and Information Resources
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Audiovisual Materials, Film or Cinema or Video, Oral History, Restoration and Preservation
Recordings at Risk is a national regranting program administered by CLIR to support the preservation of rare and unique audio, audiovisual, and other time-based media of high scholarly value through digital reformatting. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
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Plasma Science, Technology, Engineering, Plasma State, Experiments, Diagnostics
The objective of this NOFO is to provide research opportunities to single investigators or small group researchers with an aim to expand current knowledge or explore new frontiers of knowledge leading to significant advances in the fundamental understanding of basic plasma science and engineering. For more information, see FESAC Long Range Plan 2020 and the related Community Planning Process (CPP) Report 2019-2020, National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Plasma 2020 Decadal Survey, etc. Research projects are generally expected to support students, postdocs, or individuals from diverse backgrounds, including individuals historically underrepresented in the research community. Specific areas of interest for this NOFO are: Dynamical Processes in Plasma; Nonneutral, Ultracold Neutral, and Dusty Plasma Physics; Low Temperature Plasma Processes. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
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Art or Music Therapy, Arts and Culture, Community Development or Revitalization, Human Learning and Memory
The LOI date as seen in Airtable is actually the Part 1 submission deadline. The NEA Research Labs program funds projects that support transdisciplinary research teams to build public knowledge about the arts and their contributions to individuals, communities, and society at large. Each Lab will conduct multiple research studies and develop a suite of products or services. The NEA Research Labs program requires a confirmed partnership between the official applicant organization and at least one: (a) an arts organization or (b) an individual artist or culture bearer who may not be affiliated with an arts organization at the time of application. The arts partner is expected to participate substantially in the NEA Research Lab activities. NEA awards cannot exceed 50% of the total project costs. All awards require a nonfederal cost share/match of at least 1 to 1. These cost share/matching funds may be all cash or a combination of cash and in-kind contributions and can include federally negotiated indirect costs. You may include in your Project Budget cost share/matching funds that are proposed but not yet committed at the time of the application deadline. If a full internal competition is necessary, pre-proposals should be submitted that include: 1) A two-page project narrative briefly describing the project, its key aims/objectives, the methodologies/approaches that will be used, and how the project goals align with the goals of the program. Please see the sponsor guidelines for details about program goals and application components. 2) 1–2-page budget overview with justifications. 3) Biosketches/brief CVs for key personnel. For more information, please contact the Office of the Vice President for Research at Follow UConn Research on Twitter & LinkedIn.
49 records


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