Polsky Center Event Registration
You are registering for the following event: *
If you are a UChicago student, UChicago staff member, or UChicago faculty member, please provide your UChicago affiliated email address.
This may be used for nametags at relevant events.
- Corporate Partner
- Ecosystem Partner
- Entrepreneur
- Founder
- VC / Investor
- Other Professional
Are you the founder of a startup? *
- Yes
- No
How are you affiliated with the University of Chicago? *
Select the option that best or most recently applies.
Select an option
What department(s) or division(s) are you a part of? *
Check all that apply.
Select an option
This is the username you use for UChicago single sign-on. It is also the first part of your @uchicago.edu username.
Example: CNetID@uchicago.edu
Would you like to sign up for relevant emails from the Polsky Center to learn about future events and programs? *
- Yes
- I'm already signed up
- No
Interest Areas
Check all that apply.
- Entrepreneurship & Startups
- Private Equity
- Venture Capital
- Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition
- Science and Technology Innovation
- Small or Family Businesses
At the Polsky Center we embrace and encourage diversity and inclusion within our team and with the constituents and communities we serve.
We invite you to answer some OPTIONAL demographic questions that will assist us in our effort to better understand our audience and develop content and programming that represents the diversity of our audience and participants. The Polsky Center will never share this information.
The options provided in the questions below were adapted from the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Standards in an effort to be more inclusive. To provide your feedback, please email polsky@uchicago.edu.
OPTIONAL: Which of the following describes you?
Please select all that apply.
- Asian
- Black or African American
- Hispanic or Latinx
- Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
- Middle Eastern or North African
- White or Caucasian
- Decline to State
OPTIONAL: What is your gender identity?
- Female
- Male
- Genderqueer/gender nonconforming
- A different identity
- Decline to state
OPTIONAL: Do you identify as any of the following?
Please select all that apply.
- Bisexual or Pansexual
- Gay
- Lesbian
- Transgender
- Queer
- Straight
- A different identity
- Decline to state
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