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Add location information and inventory.

This form serves to add information about your location, and inventory of machines. What: Please fill out the general information of your Makerspace, FabLab, innovation hub, or similar. Purpose: The Internet of Production Alliance collects the data to form a database of machines, and materials by location, to be analyzed and mapped for the Open-Know-Where initiative. Data privacy: The data collected is processed only by the DevOps office. For data privacy concerns and requests contact by email at: REV 2, 18/08/2023 CC BY-SA 4.0

Participation agreement.
I agree to share my information for the purposes stated in the form description.
ie. FabLab, MakerSpace, or Institute
ie. it can be also a social media profile or similar.
Country where the FabLab is located
City where the FabLab is located
Including, street name, number, building name, floor, etc.
Zip or post code
Use to share your facilitie's precise location.
Your name, or responsible person's name.
Email to reach back to you
Download the template file, fill the information, and upload the file here.
Template file Link:
Attach file
Drop files here

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form