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Forty Acres Founders Spring '25 Student Technical Assistant Application

The Forty Acres Founders Pre-Accelerator Program at the Herb Kelleher Entrepreneurship Center offers student entrepreneurs across UT Austin a unique opportunity to engage in establishing and validating product-market fit for their business idea. Students will learn to vet their ideas, develop skills for researching and understanding customer needs, and develop tools for building a product/service that appropriately fits a market need. The role of the Student Technical Assistant is to assist with various technical aspects as founders work on developing their Minimum Viable Product. The specific nature of the work will differ for each Student Technical Assistant, and will be determined by the needs of each founder. Each Student Technical Assistant will be paid $20/hour and will work 5 hours/week per founder. In the case that your skillset is valuable to multiple startups, you may be paired with up to 2 founders, and work 10 hours/week. To be eligible to apply for a Student Technical Assistant Position, you must be enrolled as a full-time, in-residence student at The University of Texas at Austin for the Spring 2025 semester. The positions are open to both undergraduate and graduate students. Graduate students enrolled in Option II or Option III programs are not eligible to apply. The Student Technical Assistant positions are not eligible for work-study. Priority deadline for applications is Friday, 11/29/2024. Applications submitted after the priority deadline will be reviewed if a need exists within the program. More about the Forty Acres Founders Program here:

School/ College
Please list college or school in which you are CURRENTLY enrolled. If you are a double-major, select both colleges in which you are enrolled.
Please list the concentration/major in which you are CURRENTLY enrolled. If you are a double-major, please list both majors in which you are pursuing degrees
Have you previously been employed by the university?
Are you currently appointed to work at the university for the spring 2025 semester?
The scope of work will vary for each Student Technical Assistant. Of the following, what technical skillsets are you proficient in?
Select all that apply.
  • Back End App/Web Development
  • Front End App/Web Development
  • Full Stack App/Web Development
  • Generative AI/LLMs
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Robotics / Advanced Manufacturing
  • BioTech / Medical / Pharmaceutical
  • Database Development
  • Data Security
  • Climate/Energy Tech
  • Virtual/Augmented Reality
  • Other
Please describe the different systems, tools, softwares, and/or platforms you are proficient with.
If applicable, include programming languages.
  • {name}
Please describe how your unique skillset has prepared you to help early-stage student founders with the areas identified in the previous questions.
(150 Words Max)
  • {name}
Please attach your Resume
Attach file
Drop files here
If selected to participate in the Forty Acres Founders Program as a Student Technical Assistant, I acknowledge that I must: -Work up to 5-10 hours per week assisting one or two student founders. -Provide technical development support, as identified and delegated by founder(s). -Meet regularly with founder(s), either in person or remotely, based on scheduled availability.

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