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Bulk Order Request Form

This program strives to connect educators and creators with affordable creative materials that inspire reuse. How this works: 1. Select the item(s) you would like to request under 'Available Materials'. 2. Fill in the number of bundles you would like to request for each item. 3. Submit this form. 4. We will reach out within 3 business days of submission to confirm item availability. You will then be asked to pay the $10 Bulk Order Fee. 5. Your order will be fulfilled after your payment is received. You will be notified when it is ready for pick up at ACR, and it will be held for 2 weeks. Shipping/delivery not available. Questions? Contact us at

Payment Terms
Before your order has been fulfilled, you will receive confirmation of item availability and instructions on how to pay the $10 Bulk Order Fee. After submitting payment, please wait to receive email confirmation that your order is ready to be picked up. Failure to pick up your order by the deadline will result in order cancellation. No refunds will be provided.
Material Availability Terms
There is no guarantee that you will receive all items requested. ACR will fulfill requests as our inventory allows. There is no minimum or maximum amount of materials you can request, but we ask that you request no more than you can use. We cannot take requests for specific colors, patterns, or materials.
Which one of the following describes you:
Available Materials
Select all of the materials that you would like to request.
Thanks for submitting a Bulk Order request form!
Let us know what you think.

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