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Village Vendor Application Form for 2025 Ness Creek Music Festival

Please fill out the following form to submit your application to be a vendor in the Village for Ecological and Social Justice at the 2025 Ness Creek Music Festival

Please provide us with a promotion blurb about who you are and what you do
  • {name}
Product Description
  • {name}
I understand that overnight security is not provided, and I am responsible for all items lost, stolen or damaged at the Festival, including damage caused by weather
Do you abide by our Vendor Code of Conduct?
As a Vendor of the Ness Creek Community I promise to “maintain the magic”. I will Adhere to a culture of consent. Take Pride in what I do. Respect myself, others and the earth. Take Ownership of my actions. Embrace our Multicultural , multigenerational and diverse community. Create an Inclusive and safe environment. Support equitable practices. Protect the Ecology of the boreal forest.

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form