Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer
American Association for Cancer Research Foundation
American Cancer Society
American Lung Assocation
Asian Fund for Cancer Research Limited
Ben and Catherine Ivy Foundation
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Brain Tumor Funders Collaborative
Break Through Cancer
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Cancer Grand Challenges
Cancer Research Institute
Cancer Stem Cell Consortium
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Commonwealth Foundation for Cancer Research
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
Fibrolamellar Cancer Foundation
Fight Colorectal Cancer
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Fund II Foundation
Gates Family Foundation
Gateway for Cancer Research
Genentech Foundation
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Jonsson Cancer Foundation
Lasker Foundation
Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Foundation
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
LUNGevity Foundation
Lyda Hill Philanthropy
Lymphoma Research Foundation
Marc Lustgarten Pancreatic Cancer Foundation
Mark Foundation for Cancer Research
Melanoma Research Alliance
Melanoma Research Foundation
MPM Capital
National Breast Cancer Foundation
Novartis US Foundation
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network
Parker Foundation for Cancer Immunotherapy
Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy
Paula and Rodger Riney Foundation
Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation
Prevent Cancer Foundation
Prostate Cancer Foundation
Rally Foundation for Cancer Research
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Rosalie and Harold Brown Charitable Foundation
Simons Foundation
Sontag Foundation
St. Baldrick's Foundation
Stand Up to Cancer
Starr Foundation
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
V Foundation for Cancer Research
W. M. Keck Foundation
Drag to adjust the number of frozen columns
Type of Funder
Funding Priorities
RFP Deadlines
Will Not Fund
Foundation Summary
Link to Website
Impact Venture Capital Fund
Venture philanthropy
Valley of Death
Translational research
AIM-HI leverages its positioning within the scientific and entrepreneurial communities to identify promising startups for investment.
Their Women's Venture Competition is an annual competition that provides critical early-stage funding for women entrepreneurs in oncology. The winning company receives up to a $1 million equity investment from AIM-HI and co-investors to fund pre-clinical investigations. Application process unclear.
Disease-Specific Research Funder
Pediatric oncology
Clinical interventions
Quality of life and care
Psychosocial outcomes
Big data
Population-based research
Cancer origins
Drug targets
Both a research funder and patient advocacy organization. In addition to funding research projects they fund emotional, financial and logistical support to childhood cancer families to help make their challenges more manageable.
Childhood Cancer Research Program Areas:
- Early Career Research:
--- 'A' Award Grants: funds an original project, can demonstrate outstanding career development support from the institution, and has a strong future commitment to pediatric cancer investigation. $200K
Basic, translational, clinical, population research
AACR grants support researchers domestically and abroad at every stage of their careers, from early-career investigators and mid-career researchers to senior scientists. In 2022, the AACR awarded more than $10.3 million in grants.
Etiology (causes of cancer)
Healthy eating and active living
Screening and diagnosis
Health equity
Annually recurring RFP
Research Grants: for Independent Investigators at any career stage
Purpose: To fund exploratory research to develop research methodologies, establish feasibility, or pilot test high-risk/high-reward research across the research continuum.
Funding: 2 years with $125K a year direct costs, plus 20% allowable indirect costs
Deadlines: April 1 and Oct. 15
Research Scholar Grants: for Investigators within the first 10 years of an initial independent research career or full-time faculty appointment
Patient Advocacy Organization
Lung cancer
Disease-Specific Research Funder
Venture philanthropy
Basic research
Translational research
Clinical research
Early career investigators
This fund appears to have a number of programs that support basic, translational, clinical research with an emphasis on supporting researchers from across east Asia and India.
Their BRACE Award Venture Competition provides support to early-stage biotechs, enabling them to accelerate their innovative therapeutics, diagnostics and cancer prevention products into the clinic, with the ultimate goal of improving outcomes for patients affected by cancer globally.
Application processes unclear
Medical Research Funder
Glioblastoma multiforme
Brain cancer
Translational research
Clinical research
Undergraduate research
Annually recurring RFP
funds cutting-edge research that will improve diagnostics and treatment options for patients with brain cancer.
Usually focuses on tackling infectious diseases in developing countries but invests in cancer research immunotherapies if benefits can translate to infectious disease
Funder Collaborative
Brain tumors
Includes Sontag Foundation, James S. McDonnell Foundation, American Brain Tumor Association.
The collaborative has issued four ad hoc RFPs since 2005 with the most recent in 2018, It's possible they could issue another in the future. Hideo Okada and Charles Wilson at UCSF are on the advisory board.
Medical Research Funder
Translational research
Difficult to treat cancers
pancreatic cancer
ovarian cancer
acute myelogenous leukemia,
Low probability in short term but the foundation plans to add further research institutes to its network. IGI could possibly explore opportunities to plug in to the network in the future through UCSF if they are able to obtain an invitation to submit to the foundation.
William and Alice Goodwin endowed with a $250 million pledge
BTC funds collaborative, multidisciplinary research by teams from five major U.S. cancer centers. Partners are Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, The Sidney Kimmel Compreh
Disease-Specific Research Funder
Tumor biology, genetics, prevention, treatment, metastasis
RFP for pre-clinical, translational, and early clinical research with the potential to produce unusually high impact, near-term advancements in melanoma prevention, detection, diagnosis, and treatment.
Annually recurring RFP
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation is a nonprofit organization committed to achieving prevention and a cure for breast cancer. They provide funding for cancer research worldwide to fuel advances in tumor biology, genetics, prevention, treatment, metastasis and survivorship. Since its founding in 1993 by Evelyn H. Lauder, BCRF has raised more than a billion dollars to fuel its mission to be the end of breast cancer.
Impact Venture Capital Fund
Venture philanthropy
Grant funding
BrightEdge is the innovation, impact investment, and venture capital arm of the American Cancer Society. BrightEdge propels patient-centric solutions by accelerating ACS’s mission.
Medical Research Funding Initiative
Ageing/cancer, cancer cell plasticity, cancer inequities, chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicities, early-onset cancers, obesity & physical activity/cancer, retrotransposable elements, solid tumors in children, t-cell receptors
Global funding initiative founded by the U.S. National Cancer Institute and Cancer Research UK
*Will announce a new set of challenges in 2025, at which point applications will open again.
Focuses on immunotherapy exclusively. Believes all cancer will eventually be treated immunotherapeutically.
Funder Collaborative
Stem cell research
Annually recurring RFP
Funder collaborative between the American Cancer Society and the Lisa Dean Moseley Foundation to rapidly accelerate scientific discovery of cancer stem cell research.
It appears this fund may have been spent since the pledged $9M was fulfilled. Unclear if Moseley will renew.
Rare cancers
Single cell biology
Breast cancer
Population-based research
Open science
STEM equity
Multiple grants to various institutions including the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and....under their Central Science, Single Cell Biology, Imaging, Racial Equity, Rare as One and Open Science programs
Unstaffed Family Foundation
Clinical trials/ research
Drug discovery
Patient Care
Hasn't given in higher ed outside of University of Virginia and MIT in recent years
Postdoctoral fellowships
Early career investigators
Pediatric cancer
Quantitative biology
Basic research
Translational research
Clinical research
Early career-focused funder. Priorities include the full spectrum of basic questions important to normal human biology and carcinogenesis, as well as development of new platforms and technologies.
Fellowships are $300K over 4 years
2/3 of grants go to cancer research for project support of 1 year. 1/3 of grants are made to the Pardee Cancer Treatment Funds
Post-docs who are on the tenure track and have a tenured mentor are eligible. Priority is given to researchers at non-profit institutions in the United States who are new to the field of cancer research, or to established research investigators examining new approaches to cancer cure.
Medical Committee of specialists manage the application process.
The Milken Institute’s FasterCures,
is dedicated to lowering the barriers to medical
innovation and helping funders maximize their
philanthropic impact.
Development officers can leverage their findings to
engage donors more effectively. FasterCures
provides white papers, podcasts and videos with
medical experts, and policy issue briefs like “A Call
to Action for Diversity in Clinical Trials.”
Also, home to the Research Acceleration and Improvement Network, which consists
of foundations i
Disease-Specific Research Funder
Annually recurring RFP
Prefer to support promising projects less likely to get traditional funding
Prioritize seed funding of projects with potential long-term payoffs
Avoid funding redundant efforts or displacing existing funding sources.
In addition to funding grants and
fellowships solely for colon and rectal cancer
research, FCC trains researchers to become
colorectal cancer advocates through its Research
Advocacy Training and Support Program. $1M in research funding to date, seem to fund only one or two research projects a year.
Cancer Center
Vaccine and Infectious Disease
Clinical Research
Public Health (reduce incidence and mortality from cancer and other diseases)
Human Biology
Basic Science
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center is an independent organization that serves as UW Medicine's cancer program.
Total Grants in 2021: $552K
Social Justice Funder
Fund II makes the list because the IP report credits the foundation with making large grants to Susan G. Komen and the Prostate Cancer Foundation, in both cases to address disparities in breast cancer and prostate cancer in Black men and women. Fund II and its founder Robert Smith are PGSI managed prospects. Smith has given $4.5M to the university.
Medical Research Funder
N/A - see notes
Outside of Colorado
This funder is listed in the IP cancer report as a Medical Research Funder but they do not appear to have any biomedical grant program. Searches for cancer in their grants database turn up no results. Funder is likely Colorado focused. Unclear why it made the report. NOT A PROSPECT.
Disease-Specific Research Funder
Clinical trials - phase I and II for any cancer type
Supports the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Dare to Dream Project.
Corporate Foundation
Clinical research
Diversity in clinical trials
Diversity in STEM
Cell therapy
Drug discovery
The foundation supports programs designed to advance scientific knowledge; enhance health outcomes; and build strong communities. Special emphasis is directed toward creating career pathways for underserved transitional-aged youth and adults, in growing sectors like biotechnology
The foundation lists multiple grants made through their Patient Care program to support projects that advance cancer diagnostics, including for projects that employ genomic methods to develop personalized therapeutics.
Single Organization Funders
Only funds the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center at UCLA.
Basic research
Clinical research
Health policy
Public health
Public understanding of science
Annually recurring RFP
Funder of the Lasker awards which recognizes significant contributions to biomedical science, clinical research, and public service.
Medical Research Funder
Crohn's disease
The foundation's Crohn's disease program includes sub-programs in prevention (root causes), diagnostics, therapeutics (including precision therapies), and disease biology.
Patient Advocacy Organization
Health disparities and inequities
Disease-Specific Research Funder
Medical Research Funder
Basic research
Clinical research
Lyda Hill Philanthropies, which includesthe Lyda Hill Foundation and personal giving of Lyda Hill(Giving Pledge signer), looks to fund benchmark and early-stage discovery science and favors projects and organizations that work in her preferred geographic and interest areas (such as cancer). Miss Hill aims to make investments that encourage collaboration, take calculated risks and seek to solve big problems. She is willing to fund and support early-stage and emerging science and scientists. She m
Health Disparities and Inequities
Population-based research
Early career investigators
Drug discovery
Cancer centers
Artificial intelligence
Established in 2017 by British billionaire Alexander Knaster who has pledged more than $650M
The Mark Foundation operates multiple grant programs designed to impact different areas of cancer research including career development, drug discovery, research collaborations, centers and partnerships. They also fund across the continuum, from basic to translational to clinical, as well as population-based research and health disparity work.
Total Assets (2021): $107.5M
Total Giving (2021): $37M
Disease-Specific Research Funder
melanoma detection, prognostication, treatment, fellowships, early career research
Disease-Specific Research Funder
Biotechnology Investment Firm
Venture philanthropy
Raised a $100 million investment fund and $26
million in donations to support early stage
research at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Patient Advocacy Organization
Corporate Foundation
In June 2022, the Novartis US Foundation provided grants totaling $17.7 million over 10 years to co-create clinical trial centers of excellence at three historically Black medical colleges.
Has an early career award but not clear what the funding mechanism is. There may not be an opportunity here.
The institute focuses on
“high-risk, high-reward” research projects in four
key areas that hold the most promise to advance
immunotherapy — chimeric antigen receptor
(CAR) T-cell therapy, checkpoint inhibitors, tumor
antigen discovery, and tumor microenvironment.
The institute disbursed $35 million in research
grants to domestic organizations in the fiscal year
ending December 2019
Medical Research Funder
Multiple myeloma
Translational research
Early career investigators
Rodger Riney was the founder of Scottrade which was acquired by TD Ameritrade. Riney has been diagnosed with multiple myeloma.
The foundation awards grants to medical and research institutions working on the development, testing and approval of new, less toxic and more effectve therapies for multiple myeloma and related cancers. Riney supports early career myeloma researchers through two annual award programs administered by the International Myeloma Society: the Career Development Award and th
Disease-Specific Research Funder
Population-based research
Pediatric Cancer
Disease-Specific Research Funder
Clinical research to evaluate new drugs, novel treatment, basic science research
Genomic research
PCF has awarded more than 2,200 projects that offer hope for improving outcomes in patients with prostate cancer. These high-impact projects include clinical research to evaluate new drugs, novel treatment strategies for prostate cancer and basic scientific research to better understand the biology of prostate cancer.
-- Challenge Awards: Ranging from $300,000 to $1,500,000 per year for 3 years, these awards will cover direct costs of the research. Teams may be assembled from one institution, o
Supports the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Dare to Dream Project.
Medical Research Funder
Unstaffed Family Foundation
Not sure how to deal with this one but including because it was featured in the report. Small family foundation but gave $8M to St. Johns Health in Santa Monica for clinical research in immunotherapy and precision genomic medicine.
Distinguished Scientist Award - support for early career investigators pursing high-risk projects at a critical stage in their research.
Sontag Innovation Fund - makes loans and equity investments to advance promising therapeutics, diagnostics, medical devices & other technologies.
Disease-Specific Research Funder
Population-based research
Pediatric Cancer
Disease-Specific Research Funder
Racial equity in clinical trials
Cancers that disproportionately affect BIPOC
recruitment and retention of BIPOC patients in
cancer clinical trials
Medical Research Funder
Science education
Underserved populations healthcare
Endowed research funds
Individual research projects
The Foundation does not provide funding for individual research projects and prefers to focus its project funding at New York City hospitals and research centers. The Foundation plans to make more grants in the area of preventive healthcare in the next few years.
Health disparities and inequities
Graduate research
Training Researchers to Eliminate Disparities program provides grants to graduate students seeking careers dedicated to understanding and eliminating disparities in breast cancer outcomes across population groups, specifically among minority populations.
Medical Research Foundation
Basic research
Translational research
Drug Discovery
Non-National Cancer Institutes
Founded in 1993 by ESPN and the late Jim Valvano the V Foundation for Cancer Research currently awards five types of grants to support fundamental (basic) or
translational research, as well as projects that
advance research processes such as clinical trial
identification, outreach and enrollment.
--V Scholar Grant: Three-year grant of $200,000 per year. It supports young tenure-track faculty by funding projects that are either laboratory-based fundamental research or translational research.