Diagnostics Accelerator (Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation)
Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
Dravet Syndrome Foundation
Edward J. Mallinckrodt Foundation [LIMITED]
Epilepsy Foundation of America
Esther A. & Joseph Klingenstein Fund
Foundation for Neurologic Diseases
Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
JPB Foundation
Kavli Foundation
Lennox-Gestaut Syndrome Foundation
Marcus Foundation
Mathers Foundation [LIMITED]
McKnight Brain Research Foundation
McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience
Meghan Rose Bradley Foundation
Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research
Milken Institute
Moore Inventor Fellows [LIMITED]
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation
Muscular Dystrophy Association
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
National Organization for Rare Diseases
New York Stem Cell Foundation
Once Upon a Time Foundation
Ono Pharma Foundation Breakthrough Initiative Award
Parkinson's Foundation
Pew Biomedical Scholars [LIMITED]
Pew Stewart Cancer Scholars [LIMITED]
Rainwater Charitable Foundation
Schmidt Sciences (Schmidt Futures)
Science Philanthropy Alliance
Searle Scholars [LIMITED]
Shurl and Kay Curci Foundation
W. M. Keck Foundation [LIMITED]
Warren Alpert Foundation
William K. Warren Foundation
Drag to adjust the number of frozen columns
Accepts applications?
Funding Interests
Restrictions (Will Not Fund)
Relevant Links (if available)
Berkeley Contact
Research Partnership
Not a funder
CRISPR-based therapeutics
Protein degradation
Functional genomics in human brain cells
Sleep mechanisms and circuits
Not a grantmaking entity
Partnership between Roche/Genentech, UCSF, UCB, UW. The initial projects funded under the ATN focus on four key areas of need for neurological and psychiatric disorders: developing biomarkers to track disease progression and the effectiveness of future therapies; understanding molecular pathways of protein breakdown that drive disease; parsing genetic and protein profiles linked to CNS disorders; and developing therapeutics for brain diseases based on CRISPR technologies.
Clinical Research
Drug Development
Assistive technology
Clinical trial access and efficiency
Leveraging the use of genetic testing and counseling
Non-ALS research
Deploys partnership strategy across sectors because of limited resources in the space.
Research funding goes towards: finding new treatments and cures, optimizing current treatment and care, and preventing ALS and its harms
Patient Advocacy Organization
Translational Research
Clinical Research & Fellowships
Molecular Pathogenesis & Physiology
Non-Alzheimer's Disease research
Largest nonprofit funder of Alzheimer's research
Research Categories of FY2022 Newly Funded Research Projects:
- Molecular Pathogenesis and Physiology of Alzheimer’s and other Dementia – 45% (144 projects)
- Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring of Alzheimer’s and other Dementia – 19% (61 projects)
- Translational Research and Clinical Interventions – 18% (57 projects)
- Dementia Care and Impact of Disease, including Population Studies – 18% (57 projects)
Clinical research for drug development
Epidemiological studies
Development and validation of plasma, CSF, neuroimaging and digital biomarkers
Non-Alzheimer's Disease research
*Venture philanthropy model - when working with academic institutions, in exchange for their investment, they typically ask for a share of any commercial returns that may arise from the funded research.
Supports one of the largest portfolios of clinical trials across a range of drug targets informed by the biology of aging, broader drug development approach that takes ‘multiple shots on goal’ and targets various aspects of the biology of aging.”
The foundation has awarded more than $209 milli
Disease-specific Research Foundation
Translational Research
Clinical Studies
Non-Alzheimer's Disease research
Disease-specific Research Foundation
Venture philanthropic approach
Solely focused on finding a cure
Non-Alzheimer's Disease research
Alzheimer’s care, support, research and advocacy.
Family Foundation
Does not accept unsolicited proposals
Mental health research
Alzheimer's research
Aging process research
Ambrose Monell no longer accepts unsolicited proposals so any approach will require a facilitated introduction.
Though the foundation appears to prioritize cancer work, Ambrose Monell also supports the diagnosis, research, and treatment of other diseases and conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, blindness, and multiple sclerosis. Monell typically awards grants to larger hospitals and research institutions. Monell also supports medical care at hospitals throughout the US, including Cleveland Clinic, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Mount Sinai Hospital.
Past disease grantees include Memorial Sloan-Kettering
American Academy of Neurology is the American Brain Foundation's Founder & Research Partner
"Next Generation Research Grant - supports early career neuroscience researchers
Cure One, Cure Many Program - provides large-scale catalyst funding to the world's top researchers pursuing the most innovative, cross-cutting approaches to finding diagnoses, treatments, and cures for brain disease.
Awards for ALS, Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive aging, epilepsy, FTD, LBD, MS, MdDS, neurological health
Aging process research
Age-related diseases
Medical Students?
funds basic and translational research and embraces
the term “geroscience,” which it defines as “a
research paradigm based in addressing the biology
of aging and biology of age-related diseases.” AFAR
Research Alliance
Biomedical Aging Research
The Health Research Alliance, a collaborative member organization of nonprofit research funders, is committed to maximizing the impact of biomedical research to improve human health.
- stressed the importance of building
partnerships across government, academia,
industry, venture capital and philanthropy.
Two-year predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships for researchers pursuing careers in autism research.
Predoctoral fellows will be awarded a $38,000 stipend plus up to $11,000 research allowance. Postdoctoral fellows will be awarded a stipend ranging from $56,100 to $67,932 (based on years of experience) plus up to $11,000 research allowance.
Merger of: Autism Coalition for Research and Education; National Alliance for Autism Research; Cure Autism Now
Private Foundation
Discovery & Translational Sciences
Global Health
Drug, vaccine, and biologics discovery and translation
Does not have a grant program dedicated to brain research, in order to get a related grant from Gates, your research needs to line up with one of the foundation's global health initiatives.
Disease-specific Research Foundation
Basic Research
New technologies
Diagnostic Tools/ Early Intervention
Next Generation Therapies
BBRF Young Investigator Grant
BBRF Independent Investigator Grant
BBRF Distinguished Investigator Grant
Research in:
Macular degeneration
& Fellowships
2024 Grant Applications Not Open Yet:
- Alzheimer's Disease Research Grants
August 2024 (LOI)
- Macular Degeneration Research Grants
July 2024 (LOI)
- National Glaucoma Research Grants
October 2024
Venture Philanthropy Fund
Health & Life Sciences: particularly Women's Health, Brain Health, Pediatric Rare Disease, and Pediatric Health and Aging
Invests in early-stage companies “to help move the most promising innovations along the path to commercialization, and through the Valley of Death. focuses on companies addressing high unmet medical needIt’s Brain Health portfolio includes companies such as Ceretype Neuromedicine and Origami Therapeutics.
Funding donor is Resonance Philanthropies,
Basic Science Research Funder
Sylvia Bierhuis (sbierhuis@berkeley.edu)
Patient Advocacy Organization
Annual RFPs
PAO efforts only.
Research grants
Patient Advocacy Organization
Clinical trials focused on combinatorial therapies, brain-machine interface-facilitated neurorecovery, new uses for approved drugs that may speed the translational research pathway
Promotes inclusion in clinical trials so they are run optimally resulting in studies that are generalizable across the entire population.
Their Racial Equity and Rural Unserved & Underserved
Populations programs fund projects that provide people
living with paralysis with access to healthcare,
healthy food options, access to broadband and other
technologies, and transportation.
Family Foundation
Does not accept unsolicited proposals
Marilyn Hilton Award for Innovation in MS Research
Does not accept RFPs outside of Marilyn Hilton Award for Innovation in MS Research
Disease-specific Research Foundation
Rolling application review
basic research
translational research
drug discovery
preclinical drug development
clinical drug development
Non-Alzheimer's Disease research
Letters of inquiry and proposals are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis
Disease-specific Research Foundation
Post traumatic epilepsy
Epilepsy genetics
Infanitle Spasms
Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP)
Epilepsy with Eyelid Myoclonia/ Jeavons Syndrome Initiative
Non-Epilepsy Research
Makes research grants to organizations internationally and in the US aimed at advancing the search for a cure, eliminating treatment side effects and reversing deficits caused by frequent seizures.
Supports diverse epilepsy research but research on epilepsy caused by factors other than genetics may be of special interest.
Venture Philanthropy Fund
Neuroinflammation, genomic instability, synaptic physiology, and proteostasis
As well as distinct modalities, including small molecules, biologics, and gene therapies.
The Dementia Discovery Fund (DDF), managed by SV Health Investors, is the world’s largest family of specialized venture capital funds that invests exclusively in companies developing or enabling novel therapeutics for dementia.
Prioritizes precision medicine, focusing on defined patient populations and utilizing biomarker-driven studies to expedite early value creation.
Translational Research
Drug development
Clinical Trials
Launched in July 2018, the Diagnostics Accelerator has mobilized commitments totaling $100 million from Bill Gates, Leonard A. Lauder, Jeff Bezos, MacKenzie Scott, the NFL Players Association (NFLPA), Eli Lilly & Company, Biogen, the Shanahan Family Foundation, the Dolby family, the Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation, The Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration, and others.
Clinical Research
Performing Arts
Medical Research
Child Well Being
Building Bridges
The Doris Duke Foundation strives to advance the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases by strengthening and supporting clinical research.
Particular focus on incentivizing early-career creativity in clinical research as well as efforts aimed at building a more equitable medical research enterprise.
Sylvia Bierhuis (sbierhuis@berkeley.edu)
Disease-specific Research Foundation
Annual RFPs
Basic Research
Translational Research
Clinical Research
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Clinician-Researcher Awards
Research applications are judged principally on novelty of the hypotheses, innovative approaches with a direct relevance and application to Dravet syndrome and related epilepsies, scientific quality, strength of approach, and likelihood of success.
Early career
Novel Approaches
Scientific Equipment
Primarily funds own research
Research is focused principally on Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease
Work is carried out at the Ann Romney Center for Neurologic Diseases, a world-renowned laboratory in the Department of Neurology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, strategically located in the new BWH Building for Transformative Medicine.
Private Foundation
Annual RFPs
Biology and Medical Research Post-doctoral Fellowship
Applications open April 2024 and are due June 2024
Foundation grants financial support of a three-year duration to young men and women planning careers in biological or medical research. Under this program, approximately 24 three-year research fellowships are awarded annually
Basic Research
Neuroscience Data Sharing
Neurobiology and Changing Ecosystems
The Kavli Foundation is dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of humanity. The foundation’s mission is to stimulate basic research in astrophysics, nanoscience, neuroscience and theoretical physics; strengthen the relationship between science and society; and honor scientific discoveries with The Kavli Prize.
LGS related research: basic, translational, and clinical
Open for applications year-round.
Projects may be funded at the $25,000, $50,000, or $75,000 level. Projects may be on any novel topic in LGS but must be directly relevant to LGS, which is characterized by specific seizure types and hallmark EEG features.
The Marcus Foundation was created by Bernard “Bernie” Marcus, co-founder of Home Depot and generally funds medical research.
Support includes but isn't limited to:
Stem Cells
MS and other brain-related illnesses.
Plant Biology
Climate science
Space Exploration
The Foundation primarily supports basic science, ideally with potential translational applications.
Examples of current research areas they support include immunology, microbiome, structural biology, cellular physiology, cancer biology, genetics, genomics, microbiology and infectious diseases, stem cell biology, and neuroscience.
Aaron Diaz (aarondiaz@berkeley.edu)
Basic and Translational Science Research
Annual RFPs
Age-related memory loss
Translational Research
Clinical Research
Foundation has funded more than $180 million in research specifically targeting cognitive aging, age-related cognitive decline and memory loss through direct contributions and strategic initiatives in partnership with the four McKnight Brain Institutes and the National Institute on Aging through the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health.
Scholarship applications open in September
Private Fund
Early Career
All research must have a clear translational focus, but basic projects are also funded, they just must have clinical potential.
An independent charitable organization established by the McKnight Foundation. Has two competitive annual awards: Neurobiology of Brain Disorders Award and Scholars Awards. Research supported by the Endowment Fund has furthered understanding of such impairments as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and many others.
MRB Foundation partnered with the American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS)/Congress of Neurological Surgeons (CNS) Section on Pediatric Neurosurgery to fund its Pediatric Brain Cancer Pilot Grant. This grant program provides up to $100,000 for two years to support innovative research investigating the cause and treatment of pediatric brain cancer. The intention is to provide seed funding to support new areas of investigation leading to future applications for larger grants from priva
Patient Advocacy Organization
Basic Research
Translationial Research
Clinical Research
Non-industry or non-academia-industry.
Identification of new intervention targets (e.g., large-scale screening or genomic/transcriptomic analyses).
Assessment of the efficacy of dietary supplements.
Core Funding Programs: Annual core funding programs are intentionally open-ended, calling for novel and iterative ideas across the spectrum of Parkinson's research.
Targeted Funding Programs: Issue requests for funding applications or projects that address a specific gap in understanding or patient need.
Supplemental Funding: May issue add-on funding if a project shows significant progress and continued potential.
Nonprofit, Nonpartisan Think Tank
Does not accept unsolicited proposals
The Center for Public Health develops research, programs, and initiatives designed to envision and activate sustainable solutions leading to better health for individuals and communities worldwide. To catalyze policy, system, and environmental change in public health and sustain impact, we approach our work in three interconnected focus areas: Prevention and Chronic Disease, Mental Health, and Health Equity.
Does not accept unsolicited applications
The Milken Institute works with funders to ensure that their support accelerates progress in the medical research field.
This includes helping funders to direct support at key intervention points across the research continuum.
May play a role in coordinating across disease research because of a recognition that breakthrough in one is likely to lead to breakthroughs in others.
Grants & Programs are to support individuals living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
Funding for those diagnosed with MS
Grants & Programs are to support individuals living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
Patient Advocacy Organization
Muscular Dystrophy Research Grants, including:
MDA Development Grants (DG)
MDA Research Grants (RG)
MDA Conference Grants (CG)
MDA Idea Awards
MDA Research Infrastructure Grants (RIG)
MDA Clinical Research Grants (CRG)
MDA Clinical Research Network Grants (CRNG)
MDA’s research program awards grants to the world’s best scientists investigating promising theories and therapies that may accelerate treatments and cures for families living with muscular dystrophy, ALS and related neuromuscular diseases.
Patient Advocacy Organization
Annual RFPs
Basic research
Translational Research
Applicants with R01 funding
- No grant funding of new target identification studies, high-throughput screening/early hit characterization, or drug repurposing efforts without a commercially appropriate intellectual property strategy.
- No grants for research areas which target immune pathways in MS pathophysiology which drive acute inflammatory responses in the relapsing forms/phases of MS.
Rare Disease Research
Effective Treatment & Cures
Address gaps in Knowledge
Advocate for favorable policies
The organization only accepts letters of intent in request to specific RFPs posted on its web site; full proposals are accepted by invitation only.
NORD Jayne Holtzer Research Grants provide seed grants to academic scientists for translational or clinical studies that further development of potential new diagnostics or treatments of rare diseases. The grants are competitive and international. Studies funded with the seed grants provide preliminary data on drugs, devices, or medical foods that researchers may then use to attract funding from government or industry sponsors to pursue further clinical studies. In at least 2 cases, these grants
NYSCF conducts and supports research in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, age-related macular degeneration, diabetes, cancer, psychiatric diseases, rare diseases, and more.
The NYSCF Research Institute, an independent disease research facility, is a non-profit accelerator that serves to bridge the gap between research institutions and pharmaceutical and biotech companies by reducing the cost, time, and risk that historically inhibit the development of new treatments and cures.
Private Foundation
Does not accept unsolicited proposals
Support organizations that provide arts and humanities, community affairs, health and medicine, human services, and education benefits to members of the community
Contributes only to pre-selected organizations
Programs include:
- Philanthropy Lab
- Electronic Data & Mental Health Research
- Child Apraxia Treatment
- The Raynor Cerebellum Project
(all programs contribute to pre-selected organizations, as listed on their website)
Early Career Investigator Program
Ono Pharma Breakthrough Science Initiative Awards Program (“Ono Initiative”), is the embodiment of the Foundation’s commitment to focus on and accelerate researcher-driven open innovation by supporting high-risk and high-reward science research projects which have potential to lead to science discoveries/solutions and, possibly, based on further research, to breakthrough treatments for patients.
Ono Pharma Foundation carries out the Ono Pharma Breakthrough Science Initiative Awards Program (OBI), its sole competitive program to support scientific research projects throughout the United States. The OBI accelerates open innovation by supporting high-risk and high-reward science research projects, which have potential to lead to science discoveries/solutions that could pave the way for breakthrough treatments for patients.
Every year, Ono invites campus to nominate two investigators to su
Independent Investigator Awards
Fellowships & Early Career Awards
Research Center Award
No grants to individuals, salaries, capital expenses, exercise equipment, indirect costs, travel, or endowments.
Could possibly support research on the role of alpha-synuclein in disrupting cellular homeostasis and neurological death.
Parkinson's Foundation program applicants can apply online during the specified time periods. Collaborative fellowship applicants should review instructions for those programs, often managed through the partnership organizations.
Biomedical Research
Pew Biomedical Scholars
Pew Latin American Fellows
Pew-Stewart Scholars for Cancer Research
Individuals apply to the program a maximum of two times. All applicants must be nominated by their institution and must complete the 2025 online application.
*Limited submissions process*
The Pew Scholars Program in the Biomedical Sciences provides funding to young investigators of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of human health. The program makes grants to selected academic institutions to support the independent research of outstanding individuals who are in their first few years of their appointment at the assistant professor level.
The Pew-Stewart Scholars for Cancer Research supports assistant professors of outstanding promise in science relevant to the advancement of a cure for cancer.
The office of sponsored research should distribute this invitation and award eligibility details to all investigators through a campus wide email announcement or website posting.
*Limited Submissions process*
The Pew-Stewart Scholars Program for Cancer Research is a national initiative designed to support promising early career scientists whose research will accelerate discovery and advance progress to a cure for cancer. The program is funded by The Alexander and Margaret Stewart Trust and administered by Pew. The Stewart Trust has invested in innovative, cutting edge cancer research and scientists for over 15 years. Through this partnership, The Pew-Stewart Scholars for Cancer Research have tremendo
Neurodegenerative Research
Early-Career Scientists
Milestone Prize for Advances in Tauopathy Research
Breakthrough Prize for Effective Treatments in PSP
Does not accept unsolicited applications
Nominations Due annually in May
The Rainwater Prize Program was designed with the goals of:
(1) Increasing awareness of critical gaps in neurodegenerative research
(2) Attracting and retaining researchers to work on tauopathies
(3) Awarding scientific achievements that lead to new treatments for patients.
Science & Technology
AI and Advanced Computing
Astrophysics and Space
Cross-Science programs
Schmidt Futures is the latest philanthropic venture from Eric and Wendy Schmidt. Although Inside Philanthropy reported in April 2018 that "Wendy’s name wasn’t on it," she is definitely featured on the organization's website now alongside Eric. According to its website, Schmidt Futures is "a venture facility for public benefit" that aims "to nurture the best ideas and most promising leaders, driving measurable results from new approaches to long-standing problems."
Like the Schmidts' other phil
Christine Schmidt (cmschmidt@berkeley.edu)
Corporation/Donor-Advised Fund
Not a funder
The Alliance does not solicit funds nor does it make grants.
Not a grantmaking entity
The Science Philanthropy Alliance aims to increase philanthropic support for discovery science and make science philanthropy more impactful and effective. Drawing on its distinguished external science advisors and a membership base of leading science funders, the Alliance provides advising services and learning opportunities to help philanthropists expand the world’s knowledge and lay the scientific groundwork for lifesaving, economy-changing breakthroughs.
Sylvia Bierhuis (sbierhuis@berkeley.edu)
Early Career Investigator Program
Limited submissions
Early career
Limited submissions process - nominations must be made by one of the foundation's approved host institutions.
Schmidt Futures is the latest philanthropic venture from Eric and Wendy Schmidt. Although Inside Philanthropy reported in April 2018 that "Wendy’s name wasn’t on it," she is definitely featured on the organization's website now alongside Eric. According to its website, Schmidt Futures is "a venture facility for public benefit" that aims "to nurture the best ideas and most promising leaders, driving measurable results from new approaches to long-standing problems."
Like the Schmidts' other phil
Neuroscience/brain science
Regenerative medicine
Cell Biology including stem cells
Does not accept unsolicited applications
Curci funds a biosci PhD scholarship program.
Kirsten Swan (kswan@berkeley.edu)
Basic Science Research Funder
Limited submissions
Basic science
Drug discovery
Translational science
Technology development
Methods development
**Must coordinate with FRCP**
The Keck Foundation only accepts 1 proposal per program area from Berkeley. The internal selection process is coordinated via the Limited Submissions Office and Foundation Relations. At the Foundation’s explicit request ALL communications with the Foundation must be coordinated through the campus’ liaison (Sylvia Bierhuis, Executive Director, FRCP).
**Unsolicited proposals are not accepted at any time.**
Aaron Diaz (aarondiaz@berkeley.edu)
Private Foundation
Limited submissions
Medical Research
Medical Education
General Education
Basic human services grants
Distinguished Scholars Fellowship Award
Limited submissions process for fellowships, must work with Sponsored Projects Office
Wads Program is restricted to Medical Schools
The Warren Alpert Foundation Prize, in association with Harvard Medical School, recognizes and honors one or more scientists, physicians and researchers whose scientific achievements have led to the prevention, cure or treatment of human diseases or disorders, and/or whose research constitutes a seminal scientific finding that holds great promise of ultimately changing our understanding of or ability to treat disease.
Nominations are accepted from physicians and scientists from around the world
Saint Francis Health System
Medical research
Health Care Services
Health Education
Catholic Initiatives
Preference to support Local, Catholic, Health Care Facilities (Tulsa, OK)
Applications may be made at any time for support of activities consistent with the Foundation’s guidelines. There are no special application forms. As a matter of policy, the Foundation does not accept submission of applications via e-mail or the Internet. Such communication must be mailed in hard copy, on pertinent letterhead stationery, and signed by the applicant. Your application should be brief but thorough. Grant proposals should be addressed as follows:
Chairman, Grants Committee
The Wil