Social Science Funders
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Focus Areas
Equity & Inclusion
Andrew Mellon Foundation
Arnold Ventures
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Charles Koch Foundation
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Ford Foundation
Kresge Foundation
Open Society Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Rosenberg Foundation
Russell Sage Foundation
San Francisco Foundation
Surdna Foundation
Annie Casey Foundation
Arnold Ventures
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Charles Koch Foundation
Ford Foundation
Kresge Foundation
Open Society Foundation
Public Welfare Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Rosenberg Foundation
Russell Sage Foundation
Surdna Foundation
William T Grant Foundation
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Arnold Ventures
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Charles Koch Foundation
Ford Foundation
Kresge Foundation
New America
Open Society Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
Rosenberg Foundation
Russell Sage Foundation
WES Mariam Assefa Fund
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
Carnegie Corporation of NY
Charles Koch Foundation
Ford Foundation
Hewlett Foundation
Knight Foundation
Omidyar Network
Open Society Foundation
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Russell Sage Foundation
Smith Richardson Foundation
Tinker Foundation
Focus Areas
Criminal Justice Reform
Focus Areas
Future of Work(ers)
Focus Areas
Governance & Democracy
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Focus Areas
Program Name
Funding Amount
Program Summary
Accepts Applications
Link to Apply
Equity & Inclusion

Higher Learning;

Higher Learning supports inclusive humanities education and diverse learning environments—spaces where the ideas that enrich our understanding of a complex world are created and elevated. The Foundation works with colleges, universities, and other organizations that embrace equity in higher learning, with a focus on historically underserved populations, including nontraditional and incarcerated students. Alongside our investment at the undergraduate and graduate levels in the work and health of
Annual Applications
Accepts Applications
LOI deadlines vary by program.
Equity & Inclusion


Varies by program
Arnold Ventures is guided by evidence-based policy, research, and advocacy with focus areas including: Criminal Justice, Education, and Evidence-Based Policy. A Arnold Ventures’ education initiative aims to “identify and scale the most effective practices for all learners, regardless of race or economic circumstances.” Grants for higher education support research aimed at increasing students’ success and institutions’ accountability for student outcomes. Research universities have also received
Annual Applications
By Invitation Only
Continual/Rolling Applications
Requests for Proposals listed on website (some are accepted on rolling basis)
Equity & Inclusion

Grant Opportunities and Grand Challenges

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has a variety of funding areas working to reduce inequity in different sectors. Improving health outcomes in developing countries has been the top priority of Gates philanthropy from the start. Their foundation's Global Health Division seeks "to harness advances in science and technology to save lives in developing countries. It has been comitted to the fight against COVID-19, and has shifted much of its funding to the pandemic. In addition to health, the Ga
Continual/Rolling Applications
Equity & Inclusion


Varies by program, Average fellowships are $200K
The foundation invests in knowledge that inspires informed action in democracy, education, and international peace. In education, the foundation's grantmaking aims to ensure that American public education prepares all students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions they need to fully participate in democracy and thrive in the global economy. Carnegie's Democracy program supports civic integration of immigrants. The program also supports the protection of voting rights and promotes vote
By Invitation Only
Accepts Applications
Annual Applications
Varying LOI deadlines based on program. Can submit general program inquiries via the "contact us" section of their website.
Equity & Inclusion

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Varies by program.
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative makes grants to organizations working in support of missions in Science, Education, and Justice & Opportunity – as well as giving directed to our local community. Focus areas: Criminal Justice Reform The justice system must be redesigned with community health and safety at its core, rather than incarceration. Through advocacy, grantmaking, technology, and innovation, we work to drive change and build opportunities for those impacted by the justice system. Housin
By Invitation Only
Does not accept unsolicited proposals usually. There are sometimes RFPs.
Equity & Inclusion

Criminal Justice Reform; Toleration & Free Speech; Foreign Policy; Economic Freedom; Technology & Innovation

Varies by program.
The Foundation supports educational initiatives in economics, philosophy, entrepreneurship, criminal justice, and other disciplines that have a direct impact on opportunities to thrive. Criminal Justice Reform: The Foundation supports research that emphasizes human diginity and enhances public safety, with a particular focus on reducing overcriminalization, recidivism, and barriers to second chances for ex offenders. Toleration and Free Speech: supports research, educational programs, and dial
Continual/Rolling Applications
Equity & Inclusion

Children, Families, Communities; Local Grantmaking; Racial Justice & Equity; Packard Fellowships

Children, Families, Communities: We aim to: Improve training and professional development for child care providers and educators so they can support children’s learning and growth. Provide parents, family, and friends that care for children with the skills and support they need to create nurturing environments for children. Ensure all children and their families have access to and can afford quality health care and health insurance coverage. Strengthen California’s commitment to provide after-sc
Annual Applications
Accepts Applications
Active RFPs are listed on their webpage. Unsolicited requests are reviewed if in alignment with their mission & values.
Equity & Inclusion

Challenging Inequality

$100K - $1M+
The foundation explores how cultural narratives affect and shape our reality, and how the arts, journalism, and film can contribute to fairer and more just societies. We are committed to strengthening diverse networks of cultural producers and decision makers. We seek to illuminate the root causes of injustice. Across our work we prioritize support to artist-driven projects and organizations that include deep and meaningful engagement with communities. Ford has identified five underlying driver
By Invitation Only
**Must consult Foundation Relations & Corporate Philanthropy office. ** Ongoing basis for idea-submissions - reviews within 45 days if the foundation is interested
Equity & Inclusion

Education Program

Average grants $25K - $500K
Established by Kmart founder Sebastian Kresge in 1924, the Troy, Michigan-based Kresge Foundation “works to expand opportunities in America's cities.” Its grantmaking initiatives are arts and culture, environment, health, human services, Detroit, American cities, education and social investment. The foundation primarily invests in three types of programs: knowledge exchange between “philanthropy, business, community organizations, municipal government and cross-sector partnerships,” seeding a
Annual Applications
By Invitation Only
Varies by program, some are by invitation only.
Equity & Inclusion

Criminal Justice, Equity, Expression and Justice

Varies by Program
Open Society Foundation's global work has four areas of focus— justice, equity, expression, and climate justice. These interconnected elements are vital to open societies and provide the organizing framework for what we do. Climate Justice We are committed to climate justice and addressing the unequal burdens of the climate crisis. We support grassroots action and global efforts to take common action in the face of this common threat. Equity We view equal treatment for all—regardless of ethnic
Annual Applications
Equity & Inclusion

Health Policy Fellows, Evidence for Action, Pioneering Ideas

Average grant is $300K
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is the nation’s largest philanthropy dedicated solely to health. Since 1972, the foundation has supported research and programs targeting some of America’s most pressing health issues—from substance abuse to improving access to quality health care. Focus Areas: Health Systems, Health Communities, Healthy Children and Families, Leadership for Better Health Grants and grant programs generally have three aims: 1. Discover and Explore—Seeking creative solu
Annual Applications
Continual/Rolling Applications
Varies by program.
Equity & Inclusion

Justice & Public Safety;

Unrestricted grants (Up to $250K for fellows)
Through its grantmaking, the Rosenberg Foundation supports leadership development, policy advocacy and grassroots organizing to dismantle barriers to opportunity for low-income communities and communities of color through the following priority areas. Justice & Public Safety: Through its Justice and Public Safety portfolio, the Foundation uses a mix of grantmaking, communications, and direct activities aimed at advancing sentencing reform; promoting alternatives to incarceration; and reducing r
Continual/Rolling Applications
Annual Applications
LOIs are continually accepted. Other RFPs listed on website.
Equity & Inclusion

Behavioral Science and Decision Making in Context

Average grant is $175K
RSF's core program on Behavioral Science and Decision Making in Context merges its long-standing program on Behavioral Economics and its special initiative on Decision Making and Human Behavior in Context. This program encourages perspectives from multiple disciplines, including economics, psychology, political science, sociology, law, public policy, and other social sciences, to further our understanding of economic, social, and political decision-making processes, attitudes, behaviors, and ins
Annual Applications
Behavioral Science & Decision Making in Context deadline is annually in November.
Equity & Inclusion

People, Place, Power

Varies by program
The San Francisco Foundation advances racial equity and economic inclusion for everyone in the Bay Area. The focus is for all people in the Bay Area to be economically secure, rooted in vibrant communities, and civically engaged. SFF has intentionally prioritized race and socioeconomic status in its grantmaking because low-income people of color face barriers when it comes to housing, education, criminal justice, jobs, and civic participation. The future of the Bay Area depends on the ability t
Annual Applications
By Invitation Only
Equity Grants Program (annual), Other deadlines vary by program or are by invitation only
Equity & Inclusion

Thriving Cultures Program

The Surdna Foundation supports social justice reform, healthy environments, inclusive economies, and thriving cultures across the United States. The Thriving Cultures Program is guided by Radical Imagination for Racial Justice, our future-oriented, world-building strategy, which is organized across three interconnected grantmaking approaches: -Create invests (through regranting organizations) in artists of color who work with communities of color to imagine and build racially just systems and
By Invitation Only
** Must consult Foundation Relations & Corporate Philanthropy office **
Criminal Justice Reform

Child Welfare, Community Change, Economic Opportunity, Equity and Inclusion, Evidence-Based Practice, Juvenile Justice

Average grant is $85K
The Annie E. Casey Foundation supports child welfare, community change, economic opportunity and juvenile justice. Its education funding stems from its economic opportunity program. The Annie E. Casey Foundation works in the areas research, advocacy and policy-making and makes many of its research findings available on its website. The Foundation’s juvenile justice reform agenda is designed to improve the odds that at-risk youth can make successful transitions to adulthood. We are working to c
By Invitation Only
Does not accept unsolicited proposals
Criminal Justice Reform


Varies by program
Arnold Ventures is guided by evidence-based policy, research, and advocacy with focus areas including, Criminal Justice, Health, Education, and Public Finance. Their work in criminal justice is about changing the system to improve people’s lives. Are people being treated fairly without regard to race or income? Is there an underlying issue like substance use disorder or mental illness that the system is unable to address? They look at interactions with the justice system from start to finish —
Annual Applications
Continual/Rolling Applications
Requests for Proposals listed on website (some are accepted on rolling basis)
Criminal Justice Reform


Varies by program, Average fellowships are $200K
The foundation invests in knowledge that inspires informed action in democracy, education, and international peace. In education, the foundation's grantmaking aims to ensure that American public education prepares all students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions they need to fully participate in democracy and thrive in the global economy. Carnegie's Democracy program supports civic integration of immigrants. The program also supports the protection of voting rights and promotes vote
Annual Applications
Accepts Applications
By Invitation Only
Varying LOI deadlines based on program. Can submit general program inquiries via the "contact us" section of their website.
Criminal Justice Reform

Criminal Justice Reform

The Foundation supports educational initiatives in economics, philosophy, entrepreneurship, criminal justice, and other disciplines that have a direct impact on opportunities to thrive. Criminal Justice Reform: The Foundation supports research that emphasizes human diginity and enhances public safety, with a particular focus on reducing overcriminalization, recidivism, and barriers to second chances for ex-offenders. The Charles Koch Foundation requests grant proposals for research related to c
Continual/Rolling Applications
Criminal Justice Reform

Challenging inequality;

$100K - $1M+
The foundation explores how cultural narratives affect and shape our reality, and how the arts, journalism, and film can contribute to fairer and more just societies. Advancing Freedom and Dignity: Our work focuses on countering abuses of power and reimagining the state’s role in protecting the safety and dignity of all people. This looks different in different places: from the mass incarceration of young men of color in the U.S. to violence against indigenous leaders and social justice activ
By Invitation Only
**Must consult FRCP office if interested** Continually accepting submissions - the foundation reviews within 45 days
Criminal Justice Reform

Education Program

Unrestricted (average grants from $25K - $500K)
Established by Kmart founder Sebastian Kresge in 1924, the Troy, Michigan-based Kresge Foundation “works to expand opportunities in America's cities.” Its grantmaking initiatives are arts and culture, environment, health, human services, Detroit, American cities, education and social investment. The foundation primarily invests in three types of programs: knowledge exchange between “philanthropy, business, community organizations, municipal government and cross-sector partnerships,” seeding a
Annual Applications
By Invitation Only
Varies by program, some are by invitation only
Criminal Justice Reform

Climate Justice, Equity, Justice

Varies by Program
The Open Society Foundations announced a $220 million commitment in 2020 for support of efforts to build power in African-American communities across the United States. The largest portion of the funding, $150 million, will be awarded as 5-year grants to Black-led justice organizations that have played a critical role in catalyzing and sustaining calls for racial justice and equity. Recipients include emerging groups such as Black Voters Matter and Circle for Justice Innovations, as well as more
Annual Applications
Deadlines listed on program website
Criminal Justice Reform

Adult Criminal Justice and Youth Justice Programs

$25K - $300K
For over seventy years, Public Welfare Foundation has supported efforts to advance justice and opportunity for people in need. Today, our efforts focus on catalyzing a transformative approach to justice that is community-led, restorative, and racially just through investments in criminal justice and youth justice reforms. Investing in Criminal Justice & Youth Justice Reform We look for strategic points where our funds can make a significant difference and improve lives for those impacted by the
Accepts Applications
2-step application process: both a Letter of Inquiry (LOI) and a full proposal
Criminal Justice Reform

Innovative Research to Advance Racial Equity

Average grant is $300K
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is the nation’s largest philanthropy dedicated solely to health. Since 1972, the foundation has supported research and programs targeting some of America’s most pressing health issues—from substance abuse to improving access to quality health care. Focus Areas: Health Systems, Health Communities, Healthy Children and Families, Leadership for Better Health Grants and grant programs generally have three aims: 1. Discover and Explore—Seeking creative solu
Annual Applications
Recurring annual program deadlines listed on website. Vary by program.
Criminal Justice Reform

Leading Edge Fellows, Justice & Public Safety, Immigrant and workers rights, Civic rights & civic engagement

Generally <$100K
Through its grantmaking, the Rosenberg Foundation supports leadership development, policy advocacy and grassroots organizing to dismantle barriers to opportunity for low-income communities and communities of color through the following priority areas. Justice & Public Safety: Through its Justice and Public Safety portfolio, the Foundation uses a mix of grantmaking, communications, and direct activities aimed at advancing sentencing reform; promoting alternatives to incarceration; and reducing r
Continual/Rolling Applications
LOIs are continually accepted
Criminal Justice Reform

Race, Ethnicity & Immigration Program

Average grant is $175K
The Russell Sage Foundation program on Race, Ethnicity & Immigration seeks investigator-initiated research proposals on the social, economic, and political effects of the changing racial and ethnic composition of the U.S. population, including the transformation of communities and ideas about what it means to be American. We are especially interested in innovative research that examines the roles of race, ethnicity, nativity, and legal status in outcomes for immigrants, U.S.-born racial and ethn
Annual Applications
Deadlines listed by program on website
Criminal Justice Reform

Thriving Cultures Program

The Surdna Foundation supports social justice reform, healthy environments, inclusive economies, and thriving cultures across the United States. The Thriving Cultures Program is guided by Radical Imagination for Racial Justice, our future-oriented, world-building strategy, which is organized across three interconnected grantmaking approaches: -Create invests (through regranting organizations) in artists of color who work with communities of color to imagine and build racially just systems and
By Invitation Only
Must consult Foundation Relations & Corporate Philanthropy office
Criminal Justice Reform

Research Grants on Reducing Inequality;

$25K - $600K
The Foundation’s mission is to support research to improve the lives of young people ages 5-25 in the United States. One way that we pursue this mission is by investing in high-quality field-initiated studies on reducing inequality in youth outcomes. Our focus on reducing inequality grew out of our view that research can do more than help us understand the problem of inequality—it can generate effective responses. We believe that it is time to build stronger bodies of knowledge on how to reduc
Annual Applications
Varies by program.
Future of Work(ers)

Digital Technology Research programs; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in STEM Higher Education; Sloan Fellows

Sloan's programs in Digital Technology explore how the internet and computing technology are creating new opportunities to empower the scientific enterprise and expand the public's access to knowledge. Areas of priority include: - Better Software for Science - Data & Computational Research - Scholarly Communication - Exploratory Grantmaking in Technology Working Longer, Research Program To expand and deepen scholarly, policy, and public understanding of older Americans' labor market activities
Continual/Rolling Applications
Future of Work(ers)


Varies by program
Arnold Ventures is guided by evidence-based policy, research, and advocacy with focus areas including, Criminal Justice, Health, Education, and Public Finance. Their work in criminal justice is about changing the system to improve people’s lives. Are people being treated fairly without regard to race or income? Is there an underlying issue like substance use disorder or mental illness that the system is unable to address? They look at interactions with the justice system from start to finish —
Annual Applications
Continual/Rolling Applications
Requests for Proposals listed on website (some are accepted on rolling basis)
Future of Work(ers)


Varies by program, Average fellowships are $200K
The foundation invests in knowledge that inspires informed action in democracy, education, and international peace. In education, the foundation's grantmaking aims to ensure that American public education prepares all students with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions they need to fully participate in democracy and thrive in the global economy. Carnegie's Democracy program supports civic integration of immigrants. The program also supports the protection of voting rights and promotes vot
Annual Applications
By Invitation Only
Accepts Applications
Varying LOI deadlines based on program. Can submit general program inquiries via the "contact us" section of their website.
Future of Work(ers)

Criminal Justice Reform

The Foundation supports educational initiatives in economics, philosophy, entrepreneurship, criminal justice, and other disciplines that have a direct impact on opportunities to thrive. Criminal Justice Reform: The Foundation supports research that emphasizes human diginity and enhances public safety, with a particular focus on reducing overcriminalization, recidivism, and barriers to second chances for ex-offenders. The Charles Koch Foundation requests grant proposals for research related to c
Continual/Rolling Applications
Future of Work(ers)

Challenging inequality- Future of Work(ers); Technology & Society

$100K - $1M+
New technologies have the potential to create new industries, occupations, and jobs. Rather than simply replacing human labor, technology can be a boon to people with disabilities, and has the potential to help increase human productivity as well as job quality. Maximizing this potential will require strong policies, regulations, standards, and innovative business practices that increase quality work and economic security. It will mean building a broad coalition of workers and their advocates
By Invitation Only
***Must consult FRCP office** Continually accepting submissions
Future of Work(ers)

Education Program: Social Investment Practice & Human Service Initiatives

Unrestricted (average grants from $25K - $500K)
Established by Kmart founder Sebastian Kresge in 1924, the Troy, Michigan-based Kresge Foundation “works to expand opportunities in America's cities.” Its grantmaking initiatives are arts and culture, environment, health, human services, Detroit, American cities, education and social investment. The foundation primarily invests in three types of programs: knowledge exchange between “philanthropy, business, community organizations, municipal government and cross-sector partnerships,” seeding a
Annual Applications
By Invitation Only
Varying LOI deadlines based on program and some are by invite only.
Future of Work(ers)

Work, Workers & Technology; Redesigning Work; New America CA; New America Fellows

Varies by Program
Work, Workers & Technology Program - Shift Labs: We are working with cities and communities across America to prepare for a future of automation. Through ShiftLabs, we work with local leaders from across sectors to understand automation trends and set medium-term priorities. Through social innovation competitions, we catalyze and scale community-led innovations that connect workers to opportunity, skills and support. Redesigning Work Programs -Better Life Lab: The Better Life Lab fuels the evol
Annual Applications
Annual deadlines listed by program on website
Future of Work(ers)

Climate Justice; Equity; Expression; Justice

Varies by Program
The foundation aims to raise questions about emerging technologies and the changing context of work, jobs, and income for all workers (, with a particular focus on the most vulnerable people and communities. Through inquiry, OSF hopes to identify actions that can be taken to create positive alternatives for those who are likely to face the greatest challenges in the future. The Economic Justice Program
Annual Applications
By Invitation Only
Annual deadlines listed by program on website
Future of Work(ers)

Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health

Average grant is $300K
The Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health program seeks proposals that are primed to influence health equity in the future. We are interested in ideas that address any of these four areas of focus: Future of Evidence; Future of Social Interaction; Future of Food; Future of Work. Additionally, we welcome ideas that might fall outside of these four focus areas, but which offer unique approaches to advancing health equity and our progress toward a Culture of Health. T
Annual Applications
Varies by program.
Future of Work(ers)

Emerging Frontiers: Future of Institutions

Emerging Frontiers: Future of Institutions Institutions allow people to work together at scale to solve big problems. Facing crises of climate, inequality, democracy, and health, humanity has never needed institutions more. And yet, institutions are often taken for granted, and too many of our institutions are slow, irrelevant, mistrusted, or ineffective compared to the problems we face. It is time to fundamentally rethink and reimagine institutions as problem-solving tools, built for today’s w
By Invitation Only
Occasionally open Requests for Proposals listed on their website
Future of Work(ers)

Justice & Public Safety;

Generally <$100K
Through its grantmaking, the Rosenberg Foundation supports leadership development, policy advocacy and grassroots organizing to dismantle barriers to opportunity for low-income communities and communities of color through the following priority areas. Justice & Public Safety: Through its Justice and Public Safety portfolio, the Foundation uses a mix of grantmaking, communications, and direct activities aimed at advancing sentencing reform; promoting alternatives to incarceration; and reducing r
Accepts Applications
LOIs are continually accepted
Future of Work(ers)

Future of Work

Average grant is $175K
The foundation supports innovative research on the causes and consequences of changes in the quality of jobs for less- and moderately-skilled workers and their families. They are especially interested in proposals that address important questions about the interplay of market and non-market forces in shaping the wellbeing of workers, today and in the future. Examples include: - Changing economies, changing families and policy responses (or lack thereof) - The economics of productivity and the
Annual Applications
Core Programs & Special Initiatives Research grant deadlines occur annually in November
Future of Work(ers)

Impact Investing

$100K - $500K
The WES Mariam Assefa Fund believes in the talent and contributions of immigrants and refugees. The high-impact USD$30 million philanthropic fund supports efforts to permanently dismantle the barriers that impede economic advancement among immigrants and refugees in the United States and Canada. The fund’s initial areas of inquiry and interest include: - Catalyze Solutions that Advance Economic Mobility - Accelerate Worker-Centered Innovations - Back Immigrant Leaders - Grow the Movement We ar
Continual/Rolling Applications
Continually accepting LOIs in core areas
Future of Work(ers)

Gender Equity & Governance; US Democracy; Cyber Initiative; Economy & Society

The Cyber Initiative seeks to cultivate a field that develops thoughtful, multidisciplinary solutions to complex cyber challenges and catalyzes better policy outcomes for the benefit of societies. The Economy and Society Initiative seeks to replace neoliberalism with a new “common sense” about how the economy works and the aims it should serve to improve the lives of people. With the completion of the Global Commission on the Future of Work, led by the International Labor Organization, the fo
Annual Applications
Deadlines are listed on their website and vary by program
Governance & Democracy

Democracy; International Peace & Security

Varies by program, Fellowship Average $200K
Strengthening Democracy Program: Carnegie is focused on fostering a pluralistic, vibrant democracy through the civic integration of immigrants, support for nonpartisan voter registration and education, and voting rights. This includes the following focus areas: Field Building: Through support for state and local groups aiding immigrant communities Strategic Communications: Informing the immigration reform debate and providing messaging for communities Policy Development: Improving federal and
Annual Applications
Accepts Applications
By Invitation Only
Varying LOI deadlines based on program. Can submit general program inquiries via the "contact us" section of their website.
Governance & Democracy

Liberalism; Immigration; Foreign Policy; Economic Progress

The Foundation supports educational initiatives in economics, philosophy, entrepreneurship, criminal justice, and other disciplines that have a direct impact on opportunities to thrive. Criminal Justice Reform: The Foundation supports research that emphasizes human diginity and enhances public safety, with a particular focus on reducing overcriminalization, recidivism, and barriers to second chances for ex-offenders. Toleration and Free Speech: supports research, educational programs, and dial
Continual/Rolling Applications
Rolling application process. Applicants are asked to submit a brief (1-3 page) abstract that explains how their project will advance inquiry on a pressing challenge; a CV or résumé; and a brief itemized budget.
Governance & Democracy

Civic Engagement & Government; Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Justice; International Cooperation

$100K - $1M+
Civic Engagement and Government Program (International and U.S) International: We support efforts to protect and expand civic space, and to strengthen civil society’s ability to inform, engage, and mobilize diverse communities. Ford supports research, advocacy, and networking aimed at protecting and expanding civic space, and reversing global trends toward destabilization and constraint. We also work to ensure better and more effective protections and protocols to address problems like the har
By Invitation Only
***Must consult FRCP office** Continually accepting submissions
Governance & Democracy

US Democracy Program; Gender Equity & Governance

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation funds a broad range of initiatives including education, the environment, global development and population, performing arts, cybersecurity, democracy, effective philanthropy and the San Francisco Bay Area. Established in 1966, the, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation was founded by William Hewlett, co-founder of the Hewlett-Packard technology company, and his wife, Flora. The foundation works nationally and internationally in education, environment,
Annual Applications
Deadlines are listed on their website and vary by program
Governance & Democracy

Learning & Impact: Media and Democracy; Polling and Research; Impact Assessments

$50K - $500K
The Knight Foundation has been committed to helping the public better understand the effects of technology on political landscapes and elections. Their Trust, Media, and Democracy program advances a multi-disciplinary approach to addressing problems of misinformation and declining trust in media by supporting technologists, journalists, academic institutions and others passionate about solving the information challenges of our day. There is also an Elections and Voting program area. Knight se
Continual/Rolling Applications
Annual Applications
Continually accepting LOIs. Current RFPs posted to webiste
Governance & Democracy

Reimagining Capitalism

Reimagining Capitalism has 3 areas of priority: - New Economy: To support healthy societies and create opportunities, economies must become more democratic and equitable, with a rebalanced social contract among businesses, the statae, and individuals - Worker Power: Dignified work enables dignified lives. Healthy economies, societies, and democracies are only possible when workers are empowered to baragain for better work and can access fair share of economic success - Property Rights: Providin
By Invitation Only
The foundation proactively seeks investments based on network of partners and contacts. Does not accept unsoliciited proposals.
Governance & Democracy

Justice Program

Average grants range between $100 - $500K
The Open Society Foundations give grants to a diverse array of groups and individuals in more than 100 countries who work in different ways to promote democratic principles, human rights, and justice. They support this work at both national and global levels through advocacy as well as through impact investing and legal action. Global work has four areas of focus— justice, equity, expression, and climate justice. Justice: support human rights movements and institutions, as well as the reform o
Annual Applications
Deadlines listed by program on website
Governance & Democracy

Democratic Practice; Peacebuilding; Sustainable Development

Average grants between $75K - $100K
Three thematic programs—Democratic Practice, Sustainable Development, and Peacebuilding—address the interrelated challenges of democratic decline, climate change, and violent conflict. The Democratic Practice–U.S. program works to enhance the quality of American democracy through support for high leverage opportunities at the federal, state, and local levels (including New York City as the Fund’s home). Goal: Advance a Vital and Inclusive Democracy in the United States In the United States, th
Accepts Applications
Accepts grant applications that are in alignment with program values and goals.
Governance & Democracy

Behavioral Economics, Future of Work, Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration, and Social, Political, and Economic Inequality

Average grant is $175K
The Russell Sage Foundation (RSF) is one of the oldest charitable foundations in the United States. In its early years, the funding focus at RSF revolved around improving the social and living conditions for marginalized populations across the country. The foundation is now exclusively dedicated to “strengthening the methods, data, and theoretical core of the social sciences.” The Behavioral Economics program funds “research that uses insights and methods from psychology, economics, sociology,
Annual Applications
Annual deadlines are listed by program on their website
Governance & Democracy

Domestic Public Policy

Average grant is $200K
The mission of the Smith Richardson Foundation is to contribute to important public debates and to address serious public policy challenges facing the United States. The Foundation seeks to help ensure the vitality of our social, economic, and governmental institutions. It also seeks to assist with the development of effective policies to compete internationally and to advance U.S. interests and values abroad. The Domestic Public Policy Program supports projects that will help the public and po
Accepts Applications
Accepts applications via their "Apply Now" section of website
Governance & Democracy

Domestic Governance

The Tinker Foundation oversees three major grantmaking programs. Its Field Research and Visiting Professors programs support academic research in Latin America, while its Institutional Grants seeks "[e]ffective policy changes to improve the lives of Latin Americans." The program supports global development efforts in democratic governance, education, and sustainable resources management. Their Democratic Governance program seeks to "establish conditions for equitable economic growth by strengt
Accepts Applications
The foundation accepts revlevent grant applications via the Fluxx portal on their website.
53 records


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