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Focus Areas
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI for Good
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Ford Foundation
Future of Life Institute
Hewlett Foundation
Open Philanthropy Project
Patrick J McGovern Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
The RAAIS Foundation (The Research and Applied AI Summit)
Wellcome Trust
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for Childhood Cancer
American Cancer Society
Burroughs Wellcome Fund copy
Cancer Research Institute
Concern Foundation
Damon Runyon-Rachleff Cancer Research Foundation
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
Jimmy V Foundation
Thrasher Research Fund
Wellcome Trust
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Heising-Simons Foundation
Howard Hughes Medical Insitute
John Templeton Foundation
Simons Foundations
Whitehall Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Blue Shield of California
California Health Care Foundation
Commonwealth Fund
David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Doris Duke Foundation
Kresge Foundation
MacArthur Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
The California Endowment
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Climate Resilience Fund
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Doris Duke Foundation
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
JPB Foundation
Kresge Foundation
Libra Foundation
MacArthur Foundation
Nathan Cummings Foundation
Pisces Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
Rose Foundation for the Community and the Environment
Surdna Foundation
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
California Certified Organic Farmers Foundation
Cedar Tree Foundation
Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation
Clif Bar Family Foundation
Farm Aid
Gaia Fund
Growing Justice Fund
Organic Farming Research Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
Surdna Foundation
The California Wellness Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
The Lumpkin Family Foundation
United Natural Foods Inc. (UNFI) Foundation
Focus Areas
Immunotherapeutics & Vaccine Research
Focus Areas
Physical Science
Focus Areas
Public Health
Focus Areas
Climate Change & Environment
Focus Areas
Data Science
Focus Areas
Food & Agriculture
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Focus Areas
Program Name
Funding Amount
Program Summary
Accepts Applications
Link to Apply
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Sustainable Development Policy Fellowship;

AI for Good is driving forward technological solutions that measure and advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Projects include: Humanitarian Aid 2.0: Making it possible for communities to respond, coordinate, share resources, leverage existing supply chains and infrastructure, and respond appropriately, securely, and efficiently to disasters. AI & Ethics: AI for Good Foundation is setting the standard for AI Ethics best practices in company, classroom, and policy settings. Our work
Annual Applications
Recurring Annually
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AWS Imagine Grant

$30K - $150K
The AWS IMAGINE Grant program offers two distinct award categories for nonprofits to receive support based on their organizational goals and the stage in their technology adoption journeys. As part of the program, we are seeking proposals from eligible nonprofits that fit the requirements below: 1. The Go Further, Faster Award: The Go Further, Faster award will provide support for highly innovative projects that leverage the cloud. These projects will have the potential to produce scaled, repea
Annual Applications
Applications due July 31st
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Comcast Innovation Program

Up to $150K
The Comcast Innovation Fund was created to support technology and public policy research that contributes to the betterment of the Internet, and the continued evolution of connectivity products and services. The fund provides grants to technologists, researchers, and academics to support Internet- and connectivity-focused projects within the fund’s areas of interest, which are updated annually.
Continual/Rolling Applications
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Public Interest Technology

Future of Work(ers) focus area seeks to leverage new technologies to create new industries, occupations, and jobs. Rather than simply replacing human labor, technology can be a boon to people with disabilities, and has the potential to help increase human productivity as well as job quality. To strengthen the emerging Future of Work field as a whole, Ford hopes to make connections across issues and areas of focus. With that in mind, we seek to bridge the gaps between consumers’ hopes and needs,
By Invitation Only
***Must consult FRCP office** Continually accepting submissions
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Mitigating the Risks of AI Integration in Nuclear Launch

Avoiding nuclear war is in the national security interest of all nations. We pursue a range of initiatives to reduce this risk. Our current focus is on mitigating the emerging risk of AI integration into nuclear command, control and communication. FLI seeks to reduce the risk of nuclear war by raising awareness of just how bad such a war would be - namely due to nuclear winter - and by supporting specific measures that take us back from the brink of nuclear destruction. Future of Life is a no
Annual Applications
Letters of Intent due November 15th
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Digital Privacy and Encryption

The Hewlett Foundation makes grants to proactively define, research, and manage the burgeoning intersections between people and digital technologies. The Cyber Initiative seeks to cultivate a field that develops thoughtful, multidisciplinary solutions to complex cyber challenges and catalyzes better policy outcomes for the benefit of societies around the world. Goals include: 1. Build a set of core institutions with sufficient depth of expertise to deliver solutions that take competing values a
Continual/Rolling Applications
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI for Accessibility

AI for Accessibility grants support projects that use AI to empower people living with disabilities. Microsoft is looking for individuals or teams who are not only passionate about making the world more inclusive, but also firmly rooted in the communities they intend to benefit. AI for Accessibility invests in ideas that are developed by or with people with disabilities. Applications are evaluated on their scientific merit, innovative use of AI technology, and potential for scalability.
Annual Applications
Reopens Spring 2023
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI for Good (and it's subprograms);

Microsoft has an AI for Good program which aims to provide technology, resources, and expertise to empower those working to solve humanitarian issues and create a more sustainable and accessible world. Within AI for Good, there are subprograms: AI for Earth grants support organizations who are working to solve global environmental challenges using artificial intelligence. Microsoft supports the following projects: data-labeling grants, Azure compute credit grants, and special grants (which supp
Annual Applications
Varies by program
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Potential Risks from Advanced AI

Up to $40K for Fellowships; Unrestricted funding for other projects (In 2016, UCB received $5.5M in support of the Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence)
Advances in AI could lead to extremely positive developments, but could also potentially pose risks from misuse, accidents, or harmful societal effects, which could plausibly reach the level of global catastrophic risks. The foundation is interested in supporting technical research that could reduce the risk of accidents, as well as strategic and policy work that has the potential to improve society’s preparedness for major advances in AI. The Open Philanthropy AI Fellowship for full-time PhD s
Annual Applications
Varies by program
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Data and Society Accelerator program

Up to $5M
The Patrick J. McGovern Foundation believes AI and data science can be a force for good. They catalyze the transformative potential of technology to solve humanity’s greatest challenges. In partnership with leading social change organizations, innovators, and fellow philanthropies, our work has spanned the application of these technologies in digital health, climate change, information technology, neuroscience, educating future generations of technologists, and empowering vulnerable communities.
Continual/Rolling Applications
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Emerging Frontiers

Up to $300K
Issues like data ownership and privacy, the integration of artificial intelligence into economies, and changing social contracts between the government and citizens all affect the foundation's portfolio of work. They aim to engage in this digital transformation to harness its potential to advance our vision of equitably-distributed gains and reduced risks.Interest areas include: AI governance, AI for Equity, Health, and Social Good.
Continual/Rolling Applications
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Climate Fix;

The Foundation awards financial grants for open source AI research and projects anywhere in the world. Grants are awarded on the basis of their potential for common good impact. Each grant is for a discrete 3 month project and awards are given on a rolling basis during the year. In particular, they support communities that would otherwise not have a chance to participate in advancing AI.
Annual Applications
Varies by program
Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Trustworthy Data Sciences for Health

Up to £5M (over 5 years)
Data science is central to the future of health and the scientific endeavour. Data science is transforming how science solves urgent health challenges but progress in this field is inconsistent and is hindered by three systematic blockers: 1. there is a lack of trust in how health data and technologies are built, used and governed 2. there is little funding for the foundational tools needed for health data science to thrive globally 3. there are few opportunities to employ the talents of data
Annual Applications
Varies by program
Immunotherapeutics & Vaccine Research

Innovation Grants

Up to $250 (over 2 years)
Innovation grants are designed as seed funding for researchers with a novel approach to pediatric oncology scientific investigation. This may represent a change in research direction and/or an innovative new idea that moves away from an investigator’s prior research but for which a strong case is made for the potential impact on childhood cancers. Innovation Grants will support research proposals to be carried out by investigators who are already established, have a track record of peer-reviewe
Annual Applications
Letters of Intent due in October. Restricted to Senior Investigators Only.
Immunotherapeutics & Vaccine Research

Research Grant

Professor Grants: $80K per year (up to 5 years)
Professor Grants: The American Cancer Society offers a limited number of grants to midcareer investigators who have made seminal contributions that have changed the direction of basic cancer research. Furthermore, it is expected that these investigators will continue to provide leadership in their research area. Up to two awards are made annually for a fiveyear term that can be renewed once. The award of up to $80K per year (direct costs only) may be used for salary or research project support.
Annual Applications
Bi-annual award (April 1, October 15) Restricted to midcareer and established investigators.
Immunotherapeutics & Vaccine Research

Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease

$500K (over 5 years)
The Investigators in the Pathogenesis of Infectious Disease (PATH) program provides opportunities for assistant professors to bring multidisciplinary approaches to the study of human infectious diseases. The goal of the program is to provide opportunities for accomplished investigators at the assistant professor level to study what happens at the points where the systems of humans and potentially infectious agents connect. The program supports research that sheds light on the fundamentals that a
Annual Applications
Applications due in July.
Immunotherapeutics & Vaccine Research

CRI Technology Impact Award

Up to $1M
The Cancer Research Institute is proud to announce its Technology Impact Award, a new program designed to challenge the world's leading scientists and out-of-the box thinkers to create a research plan and assemble a research team that will develop a new technology platform with the potential to transform the field of cancer immunotherapy. The grant aims to support the development of highly innovative technologies that can ultimately be adopted by the research community at large and that will en
Annual Applications
Letters of Intent due November 15th.
Immunotherapeutics & Vaccine Research

Conquer Cancer Now Award

Up to $120K (over 2 years)
By specifically targeting promising early-career scientists and providing critically needed “seed” money for innovative projects, Concern Foundation supports development of the next generation of cancer researchers and thus promotes progress in understanding cancer biology and improved approaches to cancer. Grants are awarded to independent investigators who are at the start of their scientific career (i.e., junior faculty) and are at the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent with explana
Annual Applications
Every 2 years, Letters of Intent (LOI) due in September. Restricted to Early Career Investigators Only.
Immunotherapeutics & Vaccine Research

Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award

Stage 1 Award: Up to $300K (over 2 years) Stage 2 Award: Additional 2 years funding to awardees who demonstrate progress on proposed research during initial award period.
The Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award is designed to provide support for the next generation of exceptionally creative thinkers with “high-risk/high-reward” ideas that have the potential to significantly impact our understanding of and/or approaches to the prevention, diagnosis or treatment of cancer. The Innovation Award is specifically designed to provide funding to extraordinary early career researchers who have an innovative new idea but lack sufficient preliminary data to obtain tradi
Annual Applications
Early July. Restricted to Early Career Investigators Only.
Immunotherapeutics & Vaccine Research

Cancer Research Grant

Typically between $100K - $200K
The Elsa U. Pardee Foundation funds research to investigators in United States non-profit institutions proposing research directed toward identifying new treatments or cures for cancer. The Foundation particularly encourages grant applications for a one year period which will allow establishment of capabilities of new cancer researchers, or new cancer approaches by established cancer researchers. It is anticipated that this early stage funding by the Foundation may lead to subsequent and expande
Annual Applications
Applications reviewed 3 times annually (December, April, August)
Immunotherapeutics & Vaccine Research

V Scholar Grant; Mission Grant

From $50K to $1M+
V Scholar Grant: As of 2023, the V Scholar Grant is a three-year grant of $200,000 per year. It supports young tenure-track faculty early in their cancer research careers by funding projects that are either laboratory-based fundamental research or translational research. Mission Grant: Mission grants support educational projects within the V Foundation’s focus to advance research processes such as increasing clinical trial awareness, outreach, and enrollment. The Mission Grant is a smaller gran
By Invitation Only
Immunotherapeutics & Vaccine Research

E.W. "Al" Thrasher Award

Average grant is $325K
The purpose of the E.W. "Al" Thrasher Awards is to improve children's health through medical research, with an emphasis on projects that have the potential to translate into clinically meaningful results within a few years. Research includes childhood blindness, nutritional deficiencies, brain injuries, diabetes, asthma, cancer, genetic diseases and a number of infections. Ideal applications for the E.W. "Al" Thrasher Award address significant health problems that affect children in large numbe
Continual/Rolling Applications
Immunotherapeutics & Vaccine Research

Oral Cholera Vaccine

Up to £2.5M (over 5 years)
Innovator Awards Focus Areas: Diagnostics, drug repurposing, mental health, neglected tropical diseases, neurological disorders and rare diseases. We may also consider applications from other areas.
Annual Applications
Applications due in July.
Physical Science

Multiple Programs

$50K - $1M+
Support for basic scientific research lies at the core of the foundation’s mission. In each of the science grantmaking programs, the Foundation seeks proposals for original projects led by outstanding individuals or teams, which exhibit a high degree of methodological rigor, which have a high expected return to society, and for which funding from the private sector, government, or other foundations is not yet widely available. The foundation also supports fellowships. Current science programs
Continual/Rolling Applications
Annual Applications
The foundation accepts and evaluates requests for funding throughout the year, and occasionally issues calls for grant proposals or letters of inquiry on specific topics or issues to be submitted by a pre-announced submission date.
Physical Science

Multiple Programs

Up to $225K
The Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation provides grants to researchers and non-profit research institutions in chemistry and life sciences to promote scientific discoveries, and particularly to foster the invention of methods, instruments, and materials that will open up new avenues of research.
Annual Applications
By Invitation Only
Beckman Young Investigators: August 6 Post-Doc Fellowships: September 6 Beckman Scholars: Invitation Only
Physical Science

Multiple Programs

$50K - $500K
The Burroughs Wellcome Fund's grantmaking strategies support biomedical scientists at the beginning of their careers and areas of science that are poised for significant advancement but are currently undervalued and underfunded. BWF has programs which support primary and secondary students, science and mathematics teachers, institutions, and academic scientists: postdoctoral-faculty bridging awards and faculty awards.
Annual Applications
Varies by program.
Physical Science

Multiple Programs & Fellowships

$500K - $1.5M+
The Moore Science Program seeks to advance basic science through developing new technologies, supporting imaginative research scientists and creating new collaborations at the frontiers of traditional scientific disciplines. They chose the original areas of interest (environmental conservation, scientific research, higher education and the San Francisco Bay Area) because of their special involvement in these areas prior to the formation of the Foundation, as well as the great opportunities they
Annual Applications
By Invitation Only
Does not accept unsolicited grant proposals. Inquiries via email accepted.
Physical Science

Multiple Programs

$100K - $1M+
The goal of the Foundation’s Science program is to support fundamental research primarily in the physical sciences. We believe that basic research, when done strategically, has the potential to innovate, elevate, and revolutionize humanity’s knowledge and understanding of the universe. Across its funding, the program employs three major approaches: enabling basic scientific research, connecting key stakeholders, and communicating scientific results. Climate and Clean Energy- Our goal is to prot
By Invitation Only
The Heising-Simons Foundation does not accept unsolicited proposals. Invitation only.
Physical Science

Multiple Programs

Up to $1.5M+
As one of the world's largest philanthropies, HHMI's chartered purpose is the advancement of knowledge within the basic sciences and the effective application of that knowledge for the benefit of humanity. This funder supports biomedical research, and science education. Biomedical Research - HHMI is a recognized leader in biomedical research. Discoveries made in HHMI labs are advancing our understanding of the natural world as well as some of society’s most vexing health problems, including AI
By Invitation Only
Most HHMI grants are awarded through competitions that have a formal invitation and review process. HHMI does not encourage and rarely funds unsolicited grant proposals.
Physical Science

Multiple Programs

$100K - $1M+
The Science & the Big Questions Funding Area supports innovative efforts to address the deepest questions facing humankind such as 'Why are we here? How can we flourish? What are the fundamental structures of reality? What can we know about the nature and purposes of the divine?' Themes within this program area include Fundamental Structure and Laws of Nature, the Nature of the Divine, The Nature and Potential of the Mind, Religon and Spirituality in Human Experience, and Live, Love, and Virtue
Continual/Rolling Applications
Annual Applications
The Foundation has several funding cycles with different deadlines. Applications (Online Funding Inquiry or OFI) can be submitted at any point during the year. All funding requests are reviewed according to specific dates and deadlines outlined in our grantmaking calendar.
Physical Science

Multiple Programs & Fellowships

$50K - $300K+
The Simons Foundation’s mission is to advance the frontiers of research in mathematics and the basic sciences. The foundation supports institutional grants, fellowships, and projects through academic institutions, and, with the launch of the Flatiron Institute in 2016, aims to advance scientific research through computational methods, including data analysis, modeling and simulation.
Annual Applications
Continual/Rolling Applications
Deadlines vary by program.
Physical Science

Research Grants

Up to $100K
This funder focuses exclusively on assisting basic research in vertebrate (excluding clinical) and invertebrate neurobiology in the United States. Investigations should specifically concern neural mechanisms involved in sensory, motor, and other complex functions of the whole organism as these relate to behavior. The overall goal should be to better understand behavioral output or brain mechanisms of behavior.
Annual Applications
Letter of Intent Annual deadlines: January 15, April 15, and October 1
Public Health

Global Health Division

The Global Health Division aims to reduce inequities in health by developing new tools and strategies to reduce the burden of infectious disease and the leading causes of child mortality in developing countries.  Particular areas of interest include: Discovery & Translational Sciences; Enteric and Diarrheal Diseases; HIV; Innovative Technology Solutions; Institute for Disease Modeling; Integrated Development; Malaria; Neglected Tropical Diseases; Pneumonia; Tuberculosis; Vaccine Development and
Annual Applications
Accepts Applications
Beyond their calls for proposals, the Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) at the foundation resembles the grant making process in that we only use the investments in furtherance of our programmatic and charitable objectives.
Public Health

Multiple Programs

$100K - $1M
Blue Shield of California Foundation is currently undertaking a new strategy aimed at improving the health and well-being of all Californians. Priority initiatives that support this strategy include: 1) Strengthen economic security and mobility 2) Break the cycle of domestic violence 3) Align systems with community priorities
By Invitation Only
Continual/Rolling Applications
Most Blue Shield of California Foundation funding is by invitation only and made through Foundation-led initiatives. When available, funding opportunities with an open call for applications are shared via our website and announced through our newsletter, Intersections. To stay abreast of when these opportunities arise, please register for our newsletter mailing list here:
Public Health

Continually accepts applications, regardless of current program areas

CHCF is dedicated to advancing meaningful, measurable improvements in the way the health care delivery system provides care to the people of California, particularly those with low incomes and those whose needs are not well served by the status quo. We work to ensure that people have access to the care they need, when they need it, at a price they can afford. While unsolicited requests are accepted by the foundation, most of our grants are solicited or awarded through a competitive request for
Accepts Applications
Continual/Rolling Applications
Most of CHCF’s grants are solicited or awarded through a competitive request for proposals. However, unsolicited letters of intent (LOIs) are also accepted by the foundation. If you are submitting an unsolicited request, please follow these instructions:
Public Health

Multiple Program Areas

Average grants are $157K (over 12 months)
The Commonwealth Fund carries out its mission by supporting independent research on health care issues and making grants to improve health care practice and policy. The Fund supports research in the following programmatic areas: Advancing Health Equity Advancing Medicare Controlling Health Care Costs Federal and State Health Policy Health Care Coverage, Access, and Tracking Health Care Delivery System Reform International Health Policy and Practice Innovations Medicaid Behavioral Health Climate
Continual/Rolling Applications
Accepts Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) on a rolling basis.
Public Health

Multiple Programs & Fellowships

Packard Fellowship $875K
Packard Fellowships Award Each year, the Foundation invites the presidents of 50 universities to nominate two early-career professors each from their institutions. Disciplines that are considered include physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, astronomy, computer science, earth science, ocean science, and all branches of engineering. Continually accepting letters of interest for programs that support the foundations primary goals, which include: Conservation & Science (Climate, Ocean, Land
Continual/Rolling Applications
Annual Applications
Requests for proposals are listed on their website. Unsolicited requests are reviewed if in alignment with their mission & values.
Public Health

Child Well Being

Up to $650K
The Child Well-being Program awards grants by directly inviting organizations to submit proposals that are then reviewed by Doris Duke Foundation (DDF) staff and approved by the DDF Board of Trustees. The program supports independent research of individual practitioners in the field through fellowship opportunities administered by intermediary organizations. Areas of priority include work that bolsters collaborative and culturally, geographically, and locally relevant programs with and for famil
Annual Applications
Letter of Intent annual deadline is mid-September
Public Health

Advancing Health Equity through Housing; Climate Change, Health & Equity; FreshLo; Emerging Leaders in Public Health

The foundation invests in cities through eight programs and practices, which have established specific objectives to advance strategic goals. These objectives are called focus areas. It is through focus areas that grant opportunities are made available to grantseekers. You can learn more about each focus area in the Our Work section under each program. Kresge uses an array of flexible grantmaking and social investing tools. Kresge awards single and multiyear grants for general operating support
Accepts Applications
Continually accepts applications in focus areas.
Public Health

Multiple Programs

Up to $100M
MacArthur Fellows are architects of new modes of activism, artistic practice, and citizen science. They are excavators uncovering what has been overlooked, undervalued, or poorly understood. They are archivists reminding us of what should survive. Their work extends from the molecular level to the land beneath our feet to Earth’s orbital environment—offering new ways for us to understand the communities, systems, and social forces that shape our lives around the globe. 100&Change is a competiti
Annual Applications
Continual/Rolling Applications
Accepts Applications
100&Change is a program that repeats every 3 years. Although very few are selected for funding, the foundation reviews unsolicited proposals that meet their guidelines. From time to time, the foundation may also announce an open call for proposals on their website to advance specific program goals.
Public Health

Pioneering Ideas; Evidence for Action; Health Policy Fellows

Average grant ranges from $175K -$315K
Pioneering Ideas: Exploring the Future to Build a Culture of Health welcomes proposals that are primed to influence health equity in the future. Dollar amounts to be awarded vary. Health Policy Fellows: The Health Policy Fellows program supports a strong and diverse leadership in health policy committed to advancing health and health equity. Evidence for Action: Innovative Research to Advance Racial Equity prioritizes research to evaluate specific interventions that have the potential to con
Continual/Rolling Applications
Annual Applications
Health Policy Fellowship has an annual call for proposals. Other programs continually accept applications.
Public Health

Multiple Programs

The foundation partners with the Community to improve the health of all Californians. The California Endowment's grant making is guided by three bold ideas: People Power, Reimaging Institutions and a 21st Century Health System for All.
By Invitation Only
After receiving an invitation, all requests for funding must include a completed application, any required supplementary documents, and a current GuideStar profile.
Public Health

Every Child Thrives

The Foundation focuses on its 3 main program areas: Thriving Children, Working Families, Equitable Communities – broad areas of focused work that are interconnected, interdependent. Embedded in and woven throughout the foundation's work is a commitment to advancing racial equity and healing, to strengthening the voice and capacity of local leaders and engaging communities in solving their own problems. It hopes to provide tools, resources, knowledge and supports that undergird the interconnect
Accepts Applications
Continual/Rolling Applications
Accepts applications at any time. There are no deadlines or specific grantmaking cycles
Climate Change & Environment

Research: Energy & Environment

Energy and Environment ResearchGoal: To inform the societal transition toward low-carbon energy systems in the United States by investigating economic, environmental, technological, and distributional issues. The program looks to support research in the following selected topic areas: 1. Energy Markets and Policy Analysis 2. Net Zero Innovation and Negative Emissions Technologies 3. Transportation and Mobility 4. Energy & Distributional Equity 5. Industrial Decarbonization 6. Energy Systems &
Continual/Rolling Applications
Annual Applications
Letters of Inquiry (LOI) continually accepted within their program areas. Open calls are listed on their website.
Climate Change & Environment

Multiple Environment Focus

Taking action to protect the planet Mike Bloomberg has long been a global leader in the fight against climate change, from his pioneering work as mayor of New York City to his leadership as the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Climate Ambition and Solutions. Bloomberg Philanthropies’ Climate & Environment program is at the forefront of U.S. and global efforts to fight climate change and protect the environment across a key array of issues, from driving the transition to clea
By Invitation Only
Grant proposals are by invitation only and news on grants competitions are posted regularly on our website.
Climate Change & Environment

Coordination and Collaboration in the Resilience Ecosystem (CCRE ) Program

The Coordination and Collaboration in the Resilience Ecosystem (CCRE) Program grants will provide funding to train 24 climate service practitioners who will support efforts to scale up and accelerate equity-centered adaptation planning across the U.S. CRF has provided additional support to our partners at Fernleaf to design and lead the Training, as well as to four organizations that will participate in the Training as subject matter expert lecturers.
Annual Applications
Also accepts inquiries submitted via their website.
Climate Change & Environment

Global Climate Initiative;

Climate change is an urgent, undeniable, and unique threat that has the potential to undermine everything we care about as a foundation. Its effects touch all cultures and geographies. Climate change disrupts earth’s natural systems. It threatens public health, global development, and safety. And it hurts the world’s most vulnerable people most of all. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions over the next 10 years is essential to stabilize our climate. It is a problem that can be solved in ways that
Accepts Applications
Annual Applications
Review Environment and Science initiative pages (Global Climate, Climate Innovation, Ocean, Science, and Agriculture, Livelihoods, and Conservation) and send a short description to the relevant Program Officer and Program Associate.
Climate Change & Environment

Environment Program

Generally awards multi-year grants that range from $100K to $1M
The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation (DDCF) approaches conservation through an emphasis on climate change and how the environment is impacted by biodiversity issues, restoring and preserving natural habitats, land conservation and energy development. The foundation's environment program reflects Duke’s view that climate change is the “greatest emerging threat to biodiversity.” The program awards grants through its main areas of focus, including: Landscape Conservation Catalyst Fund; The Climate
Accepts Applications
Continual/Rolling Applications
By Invitation Only
The foundation typically awards grants via invited proposals and open funding competitions. Accepts unsolicited proposals that are in alignment with focus areas.
Climate Change & Environment

Environmental Conservation Program

Varies by initiative
The Moore Foundation conducts its climate change grantmaking through its environmental conservation program. Offering seven separate initiatives, the program largely prioritizes work related to climate change through animal and wildlife conservation both in the United States and abroad. Initiatives include; - Amazon-Andes Initiative - Conservation and financial markets - Forest and Agricultural markets - Marine conservation - Oceans and Seafood Markets - Wild Salmon Ecosystems The foundation d
By Invitation Only
Annual Applications
Does not accept unsolicited grant proposals. However, will accept inquiries by email at: (MUST be less than 100 words)
Climate Change & Environment


Average grants $150K - $700K
The foundation focuses on enabling healthy and resilient communities by funding initiatives that address energy, environmental health, green infrastructure and field strengthening. We know the environment measurably impacts the health and well-being of our human and natural systems. As such they strive to enable healthy and resilient communities by enriching and supporting the environment. All of JPB’s Environment grant making is focused in low income communities and underserved communities of c
By Invitation Only
Does not accept unsolicited proposals
Climate Change & Environment

Environment Program

Kresge’s Environment Program helps cities combat and adapt to climate change while advancing racial and economic equity. We advocate that cities address climate change mitigation and adaptation concurrently. Focus Areas include: 1. Building Capacity and Commitment of Urban Leaders: We work to build urban leaders’ capacity and commitment to advance equitable approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation. 2. Strengthening the Evidence Base and Developing Tools: We help urban leaders acce
Annual Applications
Accepts Applications
Funding opportunities are posted annually to their website. Accepts inquiries via their online form (
Climate Change & Environment

Environmental & Climate Justice

Anchored in the principles of Just Transition, the Environmental & Climate Justice program centers and supports organizations led by and for people and communities who are on the frontlines of the climate crisis, environmental harm, and systemic racism. We prioritize community-powered organizations and formations working together to organize locally, trans-locally, and beyond.
By Invitation Only
Climate Change & Environment

Climate Solutions Grant

Average grants between $300K - $2M
Climate Solutions Goal: Limit global warming as close as possible to the scientifically endorsed goal of 2 degrees Celsius above preindustrial levels by significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Awards will focus on four general approaches that organize the Climate Solutions’ collective grantmaking: - Altering Political Discourse: Activities and grantees infuse the public narrative about the climate crisis with more equitable solutions identified by and for people disproportionately affe
By Invitation Only
Climate Solution grants are currently by invite only
Climate Change & Environment

Inclusive Clean Economy

Inclusive Clean Economy: We support a just transition to an inclusive clean economy where prosperity and a healthy environment go hand in hand. Funding will be focused on supporting innovative ideas, policies, and programs that: Build Power: Engage broad and diverse constituencies, mobilize resources and strengthen the movement by supporting frontline leaders advocating for a just and inclusive clean energy economy. Shift Narratives: Amplify religious, cultural, business, and community stories
By Invitation Only
NCF has temporarily closed its unsolicited Letter of Inquiry (LOI) portal.
Climate Change & Environment

Climate & Energy;

The Pisces Foundation supports organizations working to advance environmental education; improve the stewardship of water resources; and reduce global climate change. We support environmental literacy because we believe it yields a range of important benefits to people and communities today—and is an indispensable building block of an environmentally sustainable future. We work to forge new approaches and solutions to protect water resources because the threats posed by increasing demand and pol
By Invitation Only
Climate Change & Environment

Power & Climate

Varies by initiative
Clean Energy: We accelerate access to and consumption of reliable, renewable electricity in underserved, low-income communities worldwide, empowering hundreds of millions of people while building the climate-smart energy system of the future. Empower people, especially women, by connecting them to renewable electricity, creating green jobs, and cutting carbon emissions to protect the planet. Current Initiatives: - The Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet is the biggest bet in The Rockef
By Invitation Only
Climate Change & Environment

California Watershed Protection Fund

$10K - $35K
Rose Foundation administers numerous environmental grants funds, including two separate grassroots-oriented funds in California; watershedoriented funds in California, Washington and Oregon; and place-based funds which generally operate on a county-specific level, as well as other specialized funds. Each fund generally has its own unique issue focus and/or geographic scope, and most funds have separate application processes. Prospective applicants should carefully review the following fund des
Annual Applications
Annually in August and February
Climate Change & Environment

Sustainable Environments

$100K - $1M
The Foundation supports social justice reform, healthy environments, inclusive economies, and thriving cultures across the United States. The Sustainable Environments program seeks to support communities of color and low-wealth communities to direct infrastructure and land use investment dollars, drive decision-making processes and design policy solutions because those who are disproportionately impacted by environmental and climate inequity have the most powerful solutions to resolve these ine
By Invitation Only
Climate Change & Environment

Environment Program

$150K - $1.5M+
The Environment Program makes grants to protect people and places threatened by a warming planet by addressing climate change globally, expanding clean energy, and conserving the North American West. Current priorities are: Climate and Energy Climate change is the defining issue of our day. It is an urgent global crisis that affects every problem philanthropy seeks to solve, whether it’s improving health, alleviating poverty, reducing famine, promoting peace, or advancing social justice. To saf
Accepts Applications
By Invitation Only
Data Science

Data & Computational Research

Average grants range from $100K - $1.5M+
Sloan aims to support the efficient management and sharing odd research data and code from acquisition through analysis and grow the current and future scientific data work force. Grants in this program tend to fall into four broad types: - Software Grants to support technology development ranging from prototyping funds to substantial scaling resources - Training grants aimed at supporting work force training and curricular initiatives as well as targeted adoption of new technologies by specifi
Accepts Applications
LOIs submitted to program director Joshua M. Greenberg (
Data Science

Data Science Research Grant

Varies by program
Bloomberg invites academic researchers worldwide annually to apply for unrestricted gifts that support research in data science, typically focusing on natural language processing, information retrieval, machine learning, and crowdsourcing. We also invite proposals for the creation of, or contributions to, open source software used for data science. Bloomberg Data Science Ph.D. Fellowship: Bloomberg’s AI/ML researchers and engineers work on tough problems for the Bloomberg Terminal, bringing to
Annual Applications
Data Science

Data Driven Discovery Initiative (within the Science Program)

Our Science Program seeks to advance basic science through developing new technologies, supporting imaginative research scientists and creating new collaborations at the frontiers of traditional scientific disciplines. We advance understanding of emerging scientific fields by funding research to: • Advance our understanding of the world by asking new questions • Enable new science through advances in technology • Break down barriers and cultivate collaborations • Enhance society’s understanding
Annual Applications
Accepts Applications
Moore Inventor Fellowships have recurring bi-annual application cycle.
Data Science

Building a Culture of Health

Average grant $175K - $315K
With greater access to health data, including data from delivery systems as well as health information technology, researchers can better answer important questions to build a Culture of Health and inform health policy. HD4A aims to reduce the barriers often faced in accessing rich data by serving as a conduit between data owners and interested researchers. Through each HD4A call for proposals (CFP), RWJF will make valuable data from unique data owners available to researchers. Focus Area Cente
Annual Applications
Accepts Applications
Open applications listed on website.
Data Science

Power: Data & Technology Solutions; Bellagio Center

Data & Technology Solutions- Unlocking new markets through data analytics and technology innovations. Goal: By 2030, Electricity Needs to Power ALL People, and ALL Economies -Sustainably Approach: Bringing Solar Power and Mini-Grid Technology to the Corners of the World. Our data efforts focus on understanding and predicting energy consumption and measuring and monitoring reliability in order to expand electricity access and economic development. Connecting our partners with the latest innovat
By Invitation Only
Annual Applications
Bellagio Center accepts annual applications.
Food & Agriculture

Grants for Organic Transition; Grants for Students in Organic

$5K - $10K
Grants for Organic Transition - When farmers transition their land from conventional to organic, they have to wait three years before achieving certification and selling their products as organic. This three-year period is incredibly risky for farmers—they’re learning new farming techniques, creating new systems for their business, and cultivating a new market for their soon-to-be-organic products, all while growing food without earning the price premiums afforded to certified organic goods. Org
Annual Applications
Future Organic Farmers - Mid May Organic Transition - Mid May
Food & Agriculture

Children's Environmental Health Initiative

$125K (over 3 years)
The Foundation's Children's Environmental Health Initiative supports campaigns and programs designed to reduce children’s exposures to toxic chemicals in products and in their environments. The Foundation recognizes that toxic chemicals pose a threat to all people, especially children, and the government does not do an adequate job protecting children from these hazards.
Continual/Rolling Applications
Food & Agriculture

Environment and Health Program

Varies by program
Environment and Health Program Priorities To promote the long-term good health and viability of communities and regions: -by supporting programs to prevent harm to human health from toxic substances and other environmental hazards -by encouraging planning and development at the regional level, aimed at integrating economic and social goals with sound environmental policies -by supporting initiatives for sustainability in agriculture and food systems
Annual Applications
The foundation has two funding rounds each year, typically in May or June and November.
Food & Agriculture

Small Grants Program

By addressing one of our priorities, we can advance efforts in one or more of our other priority areas, leveraging the Foundation’s resources in the process. For example: -A healthier food system improves our air and water quality, creates safer communities and fights climate change by keeping carbon and nitrogen in the soil and reducing the use of petrochemical-based farm inputs. -Preserving our wild, open places offers us opportunities for vigorous outdoor activity in clean air and water witho
Annual Applications
Applications are reviewed 3 times a year w/ deadlines: 2/1, 6/1, 10/1
Food & Agriculture

Growing the Good Food Movement; Helping Farmers Thrive; Taking Action to Change the Food System

Farm Aid’s grantmaking is focused on work that enhances the viability of family farm agriculture in the United States. They issue grants to qualifying nonprofit organizations that serve family farmers in one of three funding areas: Growing the Good Food Movement: This funding area supports efforts that build local and regional food systems and connect family farmers directly with consumers. Helping Farmers Thrive: This funding area supports efforts that provide family farmers with support and
Continual/Rolling Applications
Annual Applications
-New applicants: Usually accepts rolling LOIs/proposals -Current/recent grantees: Deadline is August 1st
Food & Agriculture

Sustainable Agriculture

$5K - $50K
Sustainable Agriculture Gaia Fund's highest priority is to help California address its pressing environmental problems. California is our nation's most productive agricultural state and, as studies have consistently shown, prevailing practices related to the U.S. conventional food and farming system carry high environmental and human welfare costs. With this in mind, the Fund seeks to foster the transition of California's food and farming system to one that is sustainable, integrating the goals
Annual Applications
Initial inquiry accepted during application periods: 12/15-2/15, 5/15-7/15
Food & Agriculture

Equitable Good Food Procurement

Growing Justice is a pooled fund co-designed by funders, farmers, advocates, food suppliers, purchasers and community partners from Native and non-Native communities across the country to transform food systems through Equitable Good Food Procurement. Growing Justice envisions a future in which Tribal, Indigenous, Black, Latinx, Asian and immigrant people engaged in food markets as suppliers, producers, distributors, workers, & eaters at community-serving institutions are economically and physic
Annual Applications
March annually
Food & Agriculture

Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI); Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education (SARE)

Up to $20K
OFRF offers funding for research on organic farming and food systems and the dissemination of these research results to organic farmers and the greater agricultural and research communities. Proposals must involve farmers or ranchers in project design and implementation and must take place on certified organic land, ideally on working organic farms or ranches. Applicants should articulate how the proposed research project will foster the improvement or adoption of organic farming systems, as wel
Annual Applications
Typically mid-August
Food & Agriculture

Health Systems; Healthy Communities; Healthy Children & Families; Leadership for Better Health

Up to $300K
Health Systems - As a nation, our efforts to improve health have centered largely on health care. Working with hospitals, health departments, insurers and community groups, we are helping bring together numerous key health systems around a shared goal of better health for all. Healthy Communities - While each community is different, the healthiest ones all share certain elements. Across the nation, we support initiatives which are helping to change local conditions that allow communities and th
Annual Applications
Multiple Deadlines Annually
Food & Agriculture

Sustainable Environments Program

The Sustainable Environments Program is working to overhaul our country’s outdated and crumbling infrastructure with a new approach that will foster healthier, sustainable, and just communities. Surdna believes in the potential of “next generation infrastructure” to improve transit systems, make buildings more energy efficient, better manage our water systems and rebuild regional food systems. Focusing on urban areas and their surrounding suburbs, they seek solutions that connect and improve t
Continual/Rolling Applications
Continuously accepting LOIs
Food & Agriculture

Advancing Wellness Grants Program

The Advancing Wellness Grants Program includes four grantmaking portfolios: -Bridging the Gaps in Access and Quality Care -Promoting Healthy and Safe Neighborhoods -Expanding Education and Employment Pathways - Opportunity Fund The establishment of these portfolios is grounded in research on the social determinants of health, which states that where people live and work, their race or ethnicity, and their income can impact their health and wellness. Our desire is to help level the playing field
Continual/Rolling Applications
LOIs accepted continuously
Food & Agriculture

Health Program

Health We recognize that the path to healthy communities involves aligning and integrating systems to better serve the health of people with low incomes. Over the past 10 years, our Health Program has partnered with communities to make sure people have access to resources that support health such as safe, affordable housing, fresh food, clean air primary care and economic opportunities. To continue our work to increase health in America’s neighborhoods, we will build equity-focused systems of he
Continual/Rolling Applications
LOIs accepted continuously
Food & Agriculture

Good Food Policy

Good Food Policy The Lumpkin Family Foundation supports organizations working toward a more equitable, healthy, and environmentally sustainable food system. New in 2018, the Good Food Policy Program will make grants to advance policies that encourage and promote regenerative farming practices across the country. We will support efforts aimed at federal policy changes, whether place-based and grass roots or top-down and national in approach. Informed by and connected to our local and regional pr
Continual/Rolling Applications
LOIs accepted continuously
Food & Agriculture

Organic Food; Equitable Access; Advancing Nutrition Education

Three Priority Funding Areas: Increasing the supply of organic food - Supporting organic farmers who work hard every day to grow healthier food options. More organic food means healthier soil, cleaner air, and more tasty, nutritious food for families. Improving access to fresh, healthy food for vulnerable populations - We see food as medicine. Underserved communities and those facing serious illness or diet-related disease need it most. Advancing childhood nutrition education - Creating space
Annual Applications
Nominations accepted annually in March
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