
Lorem ipsum


Before requesting assistance, we recommend you consult our website and mission [] to ensure that your project aligns with our overall objectives. Upon receipt of this completed form, we will be in contact with you for additional materials and/or information.

First and Last
Organization, Institution, or Group, etc. If none, enter "none."
What is the current level of review or concern is the site, project, campaign, or program?
Select all that apply.
  • Development / Brainstorming
  • Local
  • State
  • Federal / National
  • Other
How can APIAHiP be involved with the site, project, campaign, or program?
While you can select all that apply, we recommend limiting to the three (3) of the most immediate or impactful actions.
  • "I don't know yet" or development/brainstorming
  • Submit a letter or public comment
  • Sign onto an existing petition or letter (co-sign as an organization)
  • Provide a quote or press statement
  • Write a editorial, op-ed, white paper, opinion/position piece
  • Share or repost content onto social media and/or newsletter
  • Increase publicity through strategic communications planning
  • Present or moderate at a panel or discussion
  • Present as a speaker at a public event or meeting
  • Attend a public event or meeting (as guest or participant, non-speaker)
  • Refer to experts and practitioners in a related field or region
  • Lead or support research (including register nominations and preservation plans)
  • Partner or collaborate in a campaign, project, or program (strategy and execution)
  • Other
In detail, please tell us more about the site, project, campaign, or program.
Include why it is historically or cultural significant to Asian and Pacific Islander Americans and how you envision APIAHiP to be involved as selected above.

Is this time sensitive?
Please attach related documents and photos that help us better understand your submission and expedite our response.
Attach file
Drop files here

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form