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Sequoyah School - Director of Advancement Application Form

Thank you for applying to be the Director of Advancement at Sequoyah School through Strategenius. Please be prepared to upload a single PDF file including your cover letter, resume, educational philosophy, and references.

Please confirm you are applying for this opportunity
Click "add" and select the opportunity.
Check the box if you have applied for any other opportunity with us before this one.
Please let us know how you learned of THIS opportunity.
Please upload (in a single PDF file, in this order): a cover letter, current resume, philosophy of education/leadership statement, and five (5) references, including at least two (2) supervisors.
*Note: please only submit name, title, phone number, email address, and professional relationship for references. Please do not include reference letters at this time.
Attach file
Drop files here
Please provide a short personal biography (~250 words)
For examples, see our bios at

Once you hit the "submit" button, the Strategenius Team will receive and review your materials thoroughly and contact you if we have questions. In addition, we are happy to notify you of other opportunities at our member schools. If you DO NOT wish to receive these notifications, please check the box.

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form