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FY25 Collaborative Grant Evaluation Form

Please use this form to submit feedback and documentation for your grant. We want to hear about the successes and also any challenges.

In case we need to follow up with further questions, what is the best number to reach you?
Your School:
Grant Title/Project Title:
  • {name}
Additional Participants:
Please list all other people who participated in this grant. OR if this list is very long, please just indicate any changes from your grant proposal.
  • {name}
Brief Report on your project:
Were the major goals of the collaboration accomplished? Any unanticipated problems? Did you have time/resources to complete the project? Did you make any changes to the project? Is there a connection to systemwide goals?
  • {name}
Describe collaborative work that occured:
What were the benefits? What were the challenges?
  • {name}
Measuring Results:
How did you measure your results? Please describe how you collected and evaluated data.
  • {name}
Dissemination of Impact:
How have you shared your results with others? Will the work you have done be ongoing? If so, how? Do you see other collaborative projects developing as a result of your work?
  • {name}
Sharing the Impact:
Would you be willing to share your grant experience with others at a BEF Board meeting, donor event or with fellow teachers?
Your Testimonial:
Please provide a short statement about the value of your grant. These quotes may be used on our website, annual report and other BEF materials and will help the BEF keep raising funds to support teachers!
  • {name}
Photos and videos are critical to help us show BEF donors the real results of these grants. Please provide as many as possible!
Attach file
Drop files here
Final Comments:
Any additional thoughts not addressed elsewhere?
  • {name}

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