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Cadence - Rett Caregiver Screener

Thank you for your interest in taking our survey. Please fill out the following information. If you qualify, you will be emailed the survey link and upon completion, will receive the honoraria payment of $45. Please note, all of the required information will only be used to verify that you qualify for the survey– no information will be kept, and all survey responses will remain anonymous.

Do you currently live in the United States?
How did you hear about this survey? Please select one.
Photo of Driver's License or Gov ID
Please upload a photo of your driver's license, or some other government-issued US ID. This is to verify survey completes, and no identifying information will be shared or stored.
Attach file
Drop files here
Notice of Survey Security
We ask that you do not take this survey unless you are the primary caregiver to a person with Rett Syndrome within the US. This survey has multiple checks in order to prevent duplicate and/or potentially fraudulent responses of non-Rett Caregivers. In the event your response is flagged by one of these checks, the survey submission and all accompanying data will be deleted from the dataset and survey honoraria will not be sent. Please check this box to indicate your awareness of this policy

Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form