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EnchantiCon 2025 Author Application

Please complete the below application to promote and vend as an Author in our EnchantiCon '25 Marketplace at the St. Louis Union Station Hotel in St. Louis, Missouri from August 15-17, 2025! Regular Author Table $350 (Please note, a processing fee of $5 will be applied to each invoice.) A staff member will review each Author Table application and respond on a rolling basis. In order to reserve your spot, you will be required to pay the full non-refundable payment within 24 hours after receiving an invoice. Payment can be paid with credit or debit card via the provided invoice link included in your welcome email. Your space is NOT confirmed until you have paid your full nonrefundable payment. After the first 30 approved authors have completed their applications and submitted their payment, the rest of the Author Tables will be sold at the regular rate.* The EnchantiCon 2025 Author Table Promotion does not include any additional add-ons, customizations, or upgrades.* EnchantiCon is a Mischief Management event. For more information on Mischief Management and our other events, please visit To read the full EnchantiCon Exhibitor, Artist Alley, and Author Terms and Conditions, please visit

Billing Address:
Street Address, City, State, Zip Code
  • {name}
Your Author Website:
  • {name}
Social Media Handles:
  • {name}
Which sub genres of fantasy do you write under?
  • Young Adult Fantasy
  • Dark Fantasty
  • Romantic Fantasy
  • Historical Fantasy
  • Paranormal Fantasy
  • Urban Fantasy
  • Other
If you selected "Other" from the list of sub genres, please elaborate below:
  • {name}
What is your publishing method?
Example: Traditional, indie, both, etc.
  • {name}
Do you identify as a member of any of the below communities?
  • LGBTQIA2s+
  • Disabled
  • Body Positivity Movement
  • Body Neutrality Movement
  • More - I will share more below!
If you selected more from the list above, please elaborate below:
Please feel free to write N/A if not applicable.
  • {name}
Would you be interested in sponsoring EnchantiCon 2025?
Examples include: digital ads, swag bag items, on-site activations, etc.
Would you be interested in being a panelist/moderator at EnchantiCon 2025? *
*Please note this is only an expression of interest, and is not a guarantee you will be a panelist or moderator.
Please provide a brief, 250 words or less, bio for yourself and your work:
This bio will be available for use in promotions, online, and across our social media accounts.
  • {name}
Company Logo (If Applicable)
Not required. If you have one, please attach your company logo in .jpg, .eps, or .png format to be used for social media shoutouts and for your listing on our website.
Attach file
Drop files here
Please submit a copy of your book cover in .jpg, .eps, or .png format. This image will be used for social media shoutouts and for your listing on our website!
We recommend selecting your most popular book or the book your most excited to promote.
Attach file
Drop files here
If you will have additional products for sale at your table, please describe them below:
Please write N/A if not applicable as additional products are not required to be sold at our Author Tables.
  • {name}
If you are planning to sell additional items at your table, please share 2-3 great photos of your products for us to help promote you!
Attach file
Drop files here
Please submit your chosen portrait or headshot image to be featured in our website, social media, and related promotions:
Attach file
Drop files here
After the first 30 Author Tables are approved, with a completed payment, the rest of the Author Tables will be sold at the regular rate. An AUTHOR TABLE is a dedicated area in EnchantiCon’s Marketplace, for the express purpose of vending and promotion of books, products, and services in which its guests may be interested. An Author Table's space will consist of at least a 6' table with two chairs within the EnchantiCon Marketplace. Each approved Author Table will receive 2 badges. One badge will be an Author Badge and the second will be an Assistant Badge. Please note, an Author Badge will provide access to all general programming at EnchantiCon '25! Assistant badges differ from Author badges. An Assistant Badge does NOT permit access to all EnchantiCon 2025 programming. Additional Assistant Badges can be purchased for a fee, pending availability.* ENCHANTICON '25 AUTHOR TABLE PRICING: Regular Author Table $350 Please note, a processing fee of $5 will be applied to each invoice. BY CHECKING THIS BOX BELOW, I AGREE TO BE INVOICED FOR THE REGULAR AUTHOR TABLE FEE IF I AM NOT ONE OF THE FIRST 30 APPROVED APPLICANTS OR IF I APPLY AFTER OCTOBER 28th, 2024. I UNDERSTAND THAT IF I AM AN APPROVED AUTHOR, I MUST COMPLETE THE PAYMENT IMMEDIATELY AFTER RECIEVING THE INVOICE AND THAT LATE FEES WILL APPLY IF APPLICABLE.
Will you be bringing an assistant with you, if approved?
Please note, if approved, each Author Table comes with 1 Author Badge and 1 Assistant Badge. If you're planning to bring other staff members or assistants beyond one, if approved, additional badges will need to be purchased in order for them to access the marketplace. More information on assistant badges can be found below!
Request Additional Assistant Badge(s)?
Badges must be worn by Author's staff, including assistants, while they are staffing the space to identify them as official Author personnel. All badge types are non-transferable. Assistant Badges are for identifying additional Author's staff and provides access to the Marketplace only. A limited number of Assistant badges (as supplies last) can be requested below. You may purchase additional assistant badges for $75 each. Please note, Assistant badges differ from Author badges. An Assistant Badge does NOT permit access to all EnchantiCon 2025 programming. Please indicate below the number of Assistant badges you would like to purchase, if any, should your application be approved. *Please note, assistant badges that are requested are not confirmed until you have received written approval from the EnchantiCon Exhibitor team and have paid the full nonrefundable payment.
COI Acknowledgement:
If approved as an Exhibitor, Artist Alley, or Author, you will be required to secure and maintain insurance coverage for the event at your own expense. Insurance coverage is required for all days of the event, including move-in and move-out days. We will contact you 60 days before the event with a sample COI to reference and/or additional details on how to purchase. Additional details will be provided to help you obtain a policy that meets our requirements. PLEASE CHECK THE BOX BELOW TO INDICATE THAT YOU HAVE READ AND AGREE TO SECURE INSURANCE FOR YOUR EXHIBITOR BOOTH, ARTIST ALLEY, OR AUTHOR SPACE:
Exhibitor, Artist, and Author: Terms & Conditions *
Please take a moment to read through our terms and conditions, linked below, before submitting your application. Once read, please check the box below to confirm. By submitting this application, all exhibitors, authors, and artists, agree to abide by the full EnchantiCon Terms and Conditions. If you have additional questions or concerns regarding the EnchantiCon 2025 Exhibitor Terms & Conditions, please email us at Please check the box below to indicate that you have read and agree to the terms and conditions provided in the link above:
I understand that submitting this form indicates my interest in having a table at EnchantiCon 2025. However, this submission does not guarantee acceptance. I confirm that the information provided above is accurate. I consent to Mischief Management contacting me using the provided contact details with further information, billing requests (if approved), and more regarding Author tables at EnchantiCon 2025. *
Please note, the space you have requested in this application is not confirmed until you have received written approval from the EnchantiCon Exhibitor team and have completed the full non-refundable payment. Please allow one month, following your submission, for application processing. Thank you for applying!

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