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UHD Certificate in Evidence-Based Instruction and Course Design - Badge Survey

To earn a badge for the workshop you attended, please complete all fields. Note that you will not be able to save the form and return, so consider typing the responses in Word, and pasting the text into the various fields requiring a narrative response.

Select the name of the workshop you attended.
Enter the date when you attended or viewed the workshop content
Main Takeaways
List your three main takeaways from the workshop
  • {name}
Muddiest Point
Describe a point that was unclear, or that you still have questions about
  • {name}
Write a short paragraph, describing your plan to implement a chosen strategy from the workshop, or why you prefer to use an alternative strategy that was not presented
  • {name}
Did you use an alternative source of information to inform your badge survey entries? If so please enter the web or file URL here.

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form