Science. Technology. Engineering. Arts. and Math.
Our program helps K-12 students venture down a creative path.
We are looking for dedicated volunteers, just like you
To assist our program in seeing our state tournament through.
You can participate as a general volunteer in areas like assisting with sales, setup, and tournament operations in a 2, 4, or 8 hour shift
Or you can even become a challenge appraiser, an opportunity that will leave you truly enchanted, just like Taylor Swift.
General Volunteers do not require any training or preparation, just a heart to give back
While being an appraiser requires a bit more of a time commitment, our preparation process is efficient and laid back.
Our website is, for information about who we are, what we do, and what we stand for,
And we look forward to welcoming you to the DIVA family, as we are confident that this is a program you will come to adore.