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Next Level Nonprofit Application

Thanks for your application! Please share a little about you and your goals so that we can see if we're a good fit to work together!

What is your role in the organization?
How much have you raised from all sources in the past year?
What's the problem with your current reality that you want to fix?
For example: We're at an inflection point... We were growing but now we've plateaued... My team and I are constantly on the verge of burnout... We're working super hard but not really growing...
  • {name}
What is your ideal vision for your organization in the next 12 months?
Be SUPER concrete: What does the DREAM version of your organization look like in a year? What are you doing differently or better or bigger?
  • {name}
Why now? Why are you motivated NOW to fix what's getting in the way of growth?
  • {name}
How did you first hear about the Next Level Nonprofit?

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