Entries Submission Form
Reminder: Submission content must be entirely *anonymous* in your written answers and documents provided in this form. You do not need to redact your information from photos or videos provided. The system will redirect you to a Stripe payment page after the form is submitted.
Category *
Submit one form for each entry.
if event took place over multiple days
Number of Entrants *
This piece calculates the cost per entry. Additional names will be submitted below.
(it's okay, you can put your name here!)
Enter it exactly as you want it to appear in award communication.
(it's okay, you can put your name here!)
Are you a member of ILEA?
ILEA Membership is tied to the Individual, not to the Company. Membership must be paid and active prior to January 31, 2025.
- Yes
- No
Brief Summary of Event *
500 max characters. If your work is nominated, this will be used as the description in marketing materials. (Keep it short and sweet like a movie preview used to hook your audience.)
Key Objectives for Event *
3,000 max characters, including spaces and hard returns.
Succinctly outline the client’s objective(s), goal(s) and/or overall purpose for the event. (This should be written either in short answer or bullet point format.)
Additional Information *
7,500 max characters. What did you do? (describe your products and/or services), How did you overcome any challenges? How did your event best reflect the category being submitted?
Results and Outcomes *
7,500 max characters. What were the results or outcomes? How were the key objectives achieved?
Management Collateral *
Consists of the documents necessary to support the event's development for pre-planning through post-production. Examples include but are not limited to: floor plans, timelines, contingency plans, production schedules, staffing, health and safety measures, BEOs, special dietary considerations, etc. Each document is considered one item. A multipage piece such as a timeline or production schedule will each be considered one piece. Remember, no names.
Please keep it under 10 items.
Attach file
Drop files here
Event Visuals *
Consists of the visuals/products that are used to create the look, feel, and experience. Examples include but are not limited to: photographs, menu cards, and signage. Each photo is considered one item. A multipage piece such as a menu or program will each be considered one piece. Please keep it under 10 items.
Attach file
Drop files here
Limit 1, no longer than 5-minute video/PowerPoint. File may not exceed 250 MB.
Entrant Listing *
Should this entry be nominated, list exactly how you want the entry name(s) to appear for communication purposes and winning trophies. i.e. John Doe, ABC Company; Jane Doe, XYZ Company; and Acme Design Company.
- {name}
After you click Submit, you will be taken to a checkout page to process payment for your entry. You will need to manually update the quantity of entries to match the number of entrants for this submission. Please check the box to acknowledge you have read this :)
Do not submit passwords through this form. Report malicious form