
Lorem ipsum

Actor Registration

Please complete the form below to receive more information on upcoming opportunities with the Indiana Playwrights Circle. We look forward to connecting with you!

Please write your full name as you prefer it to appear in programs, etc.
Select as many categories as apply to you!
Preferred Contact Method
Select one of the following options.
Disclosure acknowledgement
In order to receive grant funding, we are required to ask the following demographic information. Checking the box below means you understand that the information below is asked on a voluntary basis and is not a condition of participation.
Please select the gender with which you most closely identify or "Prefer not to disclose." (May make multiple selections)
Please select the race(s) with which you most closely identify or "Prefer not to disclose." (May make multiple selections)
Age Range
Please select your age range or "Prefer not to disclose."
Do you identify as a person with a disability? Please select yes, no, or "Prefer not to disclose."
Please enter the zip code of your home address or type "Prefer not to disclose" in the space below.
If applicable, please select the name of the theater company or companies with whom you are most closely associated. If your company is not currently listed, please list their name in the Notes area at the end of this form, and they will be added to our database.
If possible, include a photo of yourself for internal reference. This photo will not be published without your consent.
Attach file
Drop files here
Actor Sign-Up
Anything else we should know about your skills set or availability?
  • {name}

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