What is life like for you during the COVID-19 pandemic?
The current coronavirus ricocheting around the globe has caused social, economic, psychological and financial chaos unlike anything any of us have seen in our lifetime. It's incredibly important during times of historic upheaval to tell and capture stories about what our lives are like—how we are feeling, how we are coping, what we are losing, what we are learning and how we are supporting one another. The Center for Cooperative Media at Montclair State University invites you to tell your story as part of an ongoing initiative we're running in New Jersey to lift up underrepresented voices. Use the form below to share your story with us. Your story could be written text. It could be a selfie video, or a video you make at home with your family. It could be a poem. It could be an audio file, or a short podcast. It could be a piece of art. Whatever medium you choose, we want it to represent YOU — your lived experience in your authentic voice. Tel us about what it's been like to live through a public health emergency. How have you coped? How has your life changed? How do you feel? How is your family? Tell us about persevering with attending college and why it's so important (it is!) in this moment. What are you worried about? What are you excited for? NOTE: Your story doesn't have to be in English. Please feel free to tell your story in whichever language you speak. Our plan is to share all submitted stories on our website, www.centerforcooperativemedia.org. The first 25 stories properly submitted will receive a $20 thank you gift card. If you have any questions, drop us a note: info@centerforcooperativemedia.org.