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Facility Rental Inquiry

To inquire about availability and learn more about our venues and pricing, please fill out the form below. The information provided will be used to determine feasibility of your requested dates, and an estimate of costs. Submission of this form does not guarantee confirmation of your event. Event requests will be reviewed within 10 business days. Our rentals team will reach out to you by email with a quote and other correspondences.

First and Last Name
Are you affiliated with MSM in any way?
Is your organization a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization?
Please select an accurate categorization for your event. You may choose as many as may apply.
  • Audition
  • Competition
  • Conference/Meeting
  • Festival
  • Film Screening
  • Gala
  • Performance
  • Reception
  • Rehearsal
  • Shoot (Film/TV/Photo)
  • Workshop
  • Other
  • Masterclass
Event Description
Please provide a brief description of your event.

Please include all performers, audience, support staff, etc.
What types of space are you interested in renting?
Please select all that may apply
  • Classroom
  • Large Rehearsal Space
  • Meeting Room
  • Performance Space
  • Practice Room
  • Private Teaching Studio
  • Reception Area
Will this event take place over multiple dates?
Is your preferred date flexible?
Will your event require a piano?
Pianos are included in most spaces at MSM and are tuned regularly. Piano moving or specifically timed tunings are subject to additional service fees.
Are you interested in using The Orto Center at MSM to record or livestream your event?
Please note that recording/livestreaming must go through the Orto Center.
Are you interested in information on Andersen Hall residence?
During the summer months, MSM is able to offer accommodations in our dorms at affordable rates (single or double rooms; shared bathrooms). Please indicate if you are interested in learning more about these options for your group.
Insurance Acknowledgement
Please note that clients must provide Manhattan School of Music with a Certificate of Liability Insurance with at least $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 Aggregate with Manhattan School of Music named as "An Additional Insured" on their policy. This certificate must be obtained before any written agreement is executed. By checking this box you are acknowledging this requirement for use of space at Manhattan School of Music.

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