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ACLU of Oregon Volunteer Interest Form

Please use this form if you are interested in the ACLU of Oregon contacting you about future volunteer activities. - Questions? If you have any questions or need support, including with filling out this form, please email - Privacy Statement. If you have any questions about your rights related to any private information shared via this form, please review the ACLU of Oregon's Privacy Statement which is available at *Updated January 18, 2025

If you have a preferred first name different from what you entered in 1.2, please let us know here.
If you have an organizational affiliation or employer, please write it here. If not applicable or you do not wish to share, please write N/A.
If you consent to us sending you emails, please provide your email address here. If you do not wish to receive emails from us, please do not provide your email address here. However, without an email we will not be able to contact you about volunteer opportunities.
If you consent to us sending you text messages or phone calls, please provide your phone number here. If you do not wish to receive phone calls or text messages from us, please do not provide your phone number here.
This information is helpful to us to help volunteers who live near each other gather or connect.
10. Volunteer interests (required field)
.Please select all the volunteer opportunities that you would like the ACLU of Oregon to contact you about. Please note, when we respond to you with volunteer activities, some opportunities may be with ACLU of Oregon and some opportunities with other organizations.
  • Protect abortion, trans & same-gender marriage rights
  • Protect immigrant & refugee rights
  • Be trained as a legal observer or verifier related to immigration
  • Help create greater police accountability
  • Legislation: support positive laws, stop negative ones
  • Protect rights of homeless people
  • Any and all volunteer opportunities
11. Any other questions, concerns, requests, thoughts, feedback?
  • {name}

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